
Zelensky: A morality play in one act [>]

This little man trots along like a small dog behind anybody who will give him more weapons for his selfish war. | See Mr. Zelensky's villa in Tuscany: Click here. | See Mr. Zelensky's war's results in eastern Ukraine: Click here. | Watch Scott Ritter's "Agent Zelensky": Click here.

Z Go to where everything ends up. ZVolodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, TV Commando Z, pleading for more weapons to wreak more havoc in Ukraine and the wider world. It's never enough, never enough, never enough....
 Dramatis personae 
Zelensky: Comedian and television actor, turned politician. Currently self-made President of Ukraine[1]
Mrs. Zelensky: Wife of Zelensky
Joe Biden: 46th President of The United States of America
 Act I and only act (Setting: Zelensky home living room near Kyiv)
Mrs. Zelensky: Good morning, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! How are we doing today?
Zelensky: We're going great, wife! I got a whole bunch of Abrams Fighting Vehicles and Raptor drones from our good friend Joe Biden. He's coming through for us!?
Mrs. Zelensky: Great to hear, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! How much longer do you think until we can take a little vacation in our 15 room villa in Tuscany nextdoor to our fellow oligarchs, and get away from this depressing country?
Zelensky: Shouldn't be too long, wife. We are crushing Putin's army with the most advanced weapons in the world from our good friend Joe Biden. His morals like our own are virtuous, so we are winning! Maybe a week or two until our army seizes Moscow?
Mrs. Zelensky: That's really exciting, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! Are you going to rename that big plaza there Zelensky Square and get rid of Vladimir Lenin's pickled body?
Zelensky: Let's not be overconfident, wife! First things first: War Crime Tribunals for Putin and all his generals, and next reparations from Russia for all the damage they have done to our country. And then maybe we'll vacation in Krasnodar Krai ["Putin's Palace"] instead?
Mrs. Zelensky: OK, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych. What's on your agenda for today?
Zelensky: A press conference to complain about Russia destroying our oil refineries. How dare they! And asking everybody for more weapons because they will see how much damage Mr. Putin is still doing to our country and how many more war crimes the Russians are committing and how desperate we are! We can never get enough weapons. Like every day.
Mrs. Zelensky: Of course, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! What was that sound I heard just now in the distance?
Zelensky: Hold on, wife, let me look.
 [Brief pause while Zelensky looks out the window]
Zelensky: Oh, it's nothing wife. Just a big column of ash rising into the sky above the city.
Mrs. Zelensky: You sure it's nothing, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych?.
Zelensky: Nothing to worry about, wife. Just probably a Russian hydrogen bomb, like their last Tsar: Bomba. I don't believe in that sort of stuff. But I know, you worry, so give the kids some Iodine pills like you keep in the medicine cabinet if that will make you feel more comfortable. I assure you: It's no big deal. Nothing can stop our advance to Vladivostok!
Mrs. Zelensky: Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! Are you sure we're safe here? What's that black rain I see coming down? Vladivostok? I thought we were going to Moscow?
Zelensky: Change of plans, wife. Our army is advancing so fast I don't want to lose momentum! I always knew Russia was a paper tiger! Vladivostok or bust! – I am liberating all the people of Russia! They will all be free, even the ones who do not want to be! And then I'm expecting a phone call From Oslo [Norway], for my Nobel Peace Prize!
Mrs. Zelensky: If you say so, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych. Maybe you should take your umbrella?
[Zelensky storms out the front door of the house without his umbrella.... Three minutes later he's coming back in.]
Mrs. Zelensky: Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! The skin is peeling off your face. What happened? You need a doctor, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych!
Zelensky: Don't be silly, wife. I don't need a doctor; i just could use a flak vest. I need more B-52s! We're going to nuke every major city in Russia today. I've had it pussy footing around with Mr. Putin and letting him keep shelling our lines! We're going to get him today! Joe Biden will help us, I'm sure he will! – Ukrainian men are brave! We are winning this war all by ourselves!
Mrs. Zelensky: Volodymyr Oleksandrovych. I'm a little concerned that you've maybe pushed Mr. Putin too far and maybe we are going to die from radiation poisoning today?
Zelensky: Stop worrying, wife! I told you we are winning!. Our morals are virtuous and our men are brave and our weapons are the best.
 [Zelensky loses consciousness and dies while dialing Joe Biden's secret secure cellphone number, and Mrs. Zelensky dies soon after in agony. The entire Northern Hemisphere has become uninhabitable due to thermonuclear bomb blasts and fallout everywhere. The Southern hemisphere will shortly follow suit. Most life on earth above grasses and cockroaches goes extinct. The End.]

Note: I would like to have a picture here, matching the one at the top of this page, showing the rear view of Mr. Zelensky striding forward, to conclude this drama. Unfortunately the media only show pictures of his face, never his buttocks. (In the early days of Xerography, there was a young lady in a business office who took off her panty and sat on the Xerox machine and distributed copies; I would much appreciate if Mr. Zelensky could kindly help here, by similarly copying himself for me.)[3]

Aside: Thoughts from an otherwise highly educated and astute liberal academic

"Your characterizations of Zelensky seem to me to reflect a strong antisemitism rationalized through resentments from your childhood and youth. And I don't see the point of debating who has the right in Ukraine. Who is in the wrong seems clear enough – since the breakup of the USSR, Russia has evidently wanted to keep control or recover as much of Soviet hegemony as it can. I'd like to see the fighting end as soon as possible with no grounds for the Russian leadership to save face before the Russian people. If some other course for the sake of real politique is necessary, I'll go along with it when the formerly neutral and smaller European states, places closer to what's been happening over the past half century, start clamoring for it....

"As far as Ukraine is concerned, I find the responses of ordinary European persons and their governments that are more or less responsive to them both interesting and significant. The Russian special military operation has been an aggression against their way of life, particularly as it has been manifest in a long tradition of urban self-governance. Even urban Russians, who have been leaving in droves, seem to experience the special military operation in that way. And I do too. Of all the cultural fluff in which we flail, the ideals and values associated with life in self-governing urban places strike me as the most worthy, however poorly they have been nurtured in the so-called Western world. I think the Ukrainian response to the Russian intrusion inspires and strengthens those values and is worth backing for that reason. I don't feel the need for guidance by Sachs or Pozner or others." (+2022.12.23/24)


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Your Comment on A Message to the Biden Team on Ukraine: Talk Less
May 4, 2022, 11:23 AM (14 hours ago)
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Everyone can see the score: The Biden administration is arming TV Commando Zelensky's war, to overthrow the Russian government by proxy fighters without a formal declaration of war. A message to team Biden: Stop pouring fuel in Mr. Z's fire! Stop sending arms to Ukraine! Use all of America's power to press for an immediate unconditional cease fire in Ukraine to stop the slaughter and the escalation which may very well be leading to thermonuclear apocalypse!

Your Comment on U.S. Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say
May 5, 2022, 12:33 PM (13 hours ago)
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Bradford McCormick | New York
We are "playing with fire" and we have a President who is drunk on his virtuous values, as first demonstrated in his emotional meltdown at the end of the press conference where he ranted about Mr. Putin. This stuff is not amusing. It can lead to thermonuclear apocalypse. Doesn't anybody care about living any longer? When you are dead you don't come back to life. When you are seriously wounded you may live for decades in chronic suffering. I do not think satisfying Mr. Zelensky's obsession to be autocratic ruler of a NATO propped up Ukraine is worth anybody's life, but certainly not mine. Don't we care about living any more? Or are we all so severely impaired by "virtuous values" that we would rather be dead than live in a world with a non-NATO Russia? And as long as we are talking about NATO, Putin wanted to be part of NATO in 2000 and we just told him to get lost and that's why he's fighting in Ukraine today. America brought this mess on itself, ourselves. Why aren't all Americans studying Univ. of Chicago Prof. John Mearsheimer's lucid explanations of the history of this mess free on Youtube? Because we don't want to be confused by the truth? We have to stop the slaughter and stop the escalation, unless that's what we want. In that case, why hasn't Mr. Biden gone to Congress for a declaration of war against Russia since that's what he's up to?

Your Comment on Biden Could Make the World Safer, but He's Too Afraid of the Politics
The New York Times <>
1:19 PM (2 hours ago) [+2022.05.09]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
This OpEd piece misses the big elephant in the room: Mr. Biden could make the world safer by stop giving weapons to Mr. Zelensky to prop up and even escalate his war in Ukraine! Iran is a big danger. North Korea is a big danger. China is a bigger longer term danger. But Mr. Zelensky's war is threatening thermonuclear apocalypse World War III today. Ukraine is the biggest problem in the world today, and Mr. Biden could help get it out of the way by stopping supporting Mr. Zelensky, pressing for an immediate unconditional cease fire and then working for a settlement that would be tolerable if not celebratory for all sides, including Russia! Why do we think we should overthrow the Russian government? Imagine how we would react with the roles switched: If Mr. Putin tried to put missiles in Cuba and declared his objective was to weaken the U.S. government! We know, because the Soviet Union tried to put missiles in Cuba and John F. Kennedy threatened nuclear war. Mr. Zelensky's war in Ukraine, which he has been plotting at least since 2019 (one of his top advisors flat-out has said this!) is the biggest threat to peace today, and Mr. Biden needs to grow up, and not be driven by his virtuous emotions but responsibly deal with something he personally may not like but he is not a private person: he is Chief Executive Officer of a nation state. Mr. Biden needs to get real: realpolitik. Stop the slaughter, Mr. Biden!

Your Comment on If There's a Loud Fight About Roe, 'Centrist America Will Just Turn Down the Volume'
The New York Times <>
May 11, 2022, 11:49 AM (20 hours ago)
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Anger motivates people to act? But there is nothing I can do about that selfish litttle comedian in Ukraine who is wrecking everything with his selfish war. Gas prices are up another 40 cents a gallon where I am because of his selfish desire to be autocratic ruler of a NATO propped up Ukraine. And his selfish behavior is threatening to escalate his selfishness into thermonuclear World War III which will kill untold numbers of people, not just his own citizens. Anger? Helplessness. "The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time" (British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey, August 1914) Thank you, Mr. Zekensky. Please stop your war, now!

Your Comment on They basically got everything wrong': A Russian diplomat speaks out on the war.
The New York Times <>
May 24, 2022, 8:12 AM (18 hours ago) [+2022.05.24]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Let's not jump up and down like chimpanzees for a banana like we do every time we hear something bad about Mr. Putin. We created him, starting by not implementing a Marshall Plan for Russia in the early 1990s and now the chickens are coming home to roost. Listen to Vladimir Pozner free on Youtube explain how The West created Vladimir Putin. Propped up by enough American weapons, TV Commando Z may yet win us Pyrrhic victory in Ukraine if Mr. Putin launches nuclear weapons just before we succeed in overthrowing his government by proxy without a formal declaration of war from Congress (Causus belli: "Mr. Putin does not have good morals"). Some time ago The New Yorker magazine ran an essay about the probable aftermath of a thermonuclear World War III; It was titled: "An empire of grasses and cockroaches". As Mr. Putin has said, there is no such thing as a former KGB Officer, to which we are apparenly responding: better dead than red. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, right?

Your Comment on Even as Russia Bears Down in the East, Some Ukrainians Stay Behind
The New York Times <>
May 31, 2022, 7:05 PM (6 hours ago) [+2022.05.31]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
If Mr. Zelensky would just stop shelling the Donbas, nobody would need to leave. It's as simple as that, isn't it? If he would agree to an unconditional immediate stay in place cease fire for all comabatants on both sides people would stop being killed and made refugees and property wasted. Not his definition of "cease fire" which means all Russians get lost. Mr. Zelensky's determination to play his tv role in reality is risking leading us all into a global thermouclear World War III, just because he never wanted to negotiate a peaceful, prosperous, NEUTRAL Ukraine with the Russians. Servant of the people, indeed! Nobody remembers the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, where John F. Kennedy threatened nuclear war of the Russians placed their weapons on his country's doorstep. Isn't what's good for the goose good for the gander? A suffering humanity cries out for an end to the slaughter. Mr. Biden should consult our good Pope Francis and U.N. Secretary General Guterres for guidance.

Your Comment on President Biden: What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine
The New York Times <>
Wed, Jun 1, 9:41 AM (18 hours ago) [+2022.06.01]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Respectfully, The New York Times needs also provide equal space for the historical context of the Unraine situation to be presented. Not bad things like former President Trump's appparent admiration of Mr. Putin. But the hard historical facts underlying the whole situation. The New York Times needs to offer University of Chicago Distinguished Service Professor John Mearsheimer who has invested over 3 decades of scholarly work in this matter an opportunity to present the rigorously researched information both to the American people and the American goenment to enable us to act rationally and not just based on feelings and immediately obvious facts. The American people anf the American government need the whole truth, and offering Professor Mearsheimer equal time to Mr. Bidean's Guest Essay would go a long way to addressing this urgent need. Good intentions not grounded in comprehensive knowledge do not always result in good outcomes.

Your Comment on The Arrow in America's Heart (article about mass school shootings in USA: here)
The New York Times <>
Tue, May 31, 5:35 PM (2 days ago) [+2022.06001]
The New York Times
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Respectfully, the Buddhist proverb could – should – also apply to where even more people are being killed: In the Ukraine war. An immedate unconditional cease fire in place would show we value for human life more than who shot the arrow.

Your Comment on The Ukraine War Still Holds Surprises. The Biggest May Be for Putin.
The New York Times <>
Wed, Jun 8, 9:19 AM (15 hours ago)
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Bradford McCormick | New York
"If this war doesn't inadvertently blow up the planet, it might inadvertently help sustain it" So we are risking everything, unnecessarily, when instead of going the long way around we could be taking the direct route of working for sustainability through sustainability rather than hoping for sustainaility through risking catastrophe. Americans are drunk on patriotism: Paths of glory lead but to the grave. My country right or wrong. We need more education so that everyone will think and have universalizing concepts not be dupes of partisan prejudices. As former President Obama once said: "A liberal is a man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel." We need to be the adult in the room concerning the Ukarine Potlatch. American need to rise above the fray, to be The Great Mediator, not have sunk to be the third schoolyard fisticuffer boy who only comes to school so he can fight with others of his ilk during recess. Mr. Zelensky is a very adept television actor but this is not a television show. Real human beings re being killed and real property wasted, and it's long since time to cancel his show for something differnt (and better), like Monty Python which he has said he finds hard to understand

Your Comment on Russia Opens 1,100 Cases Against Ukrainian P.O.W.s, Raising Fears of Show Trials
The New York Times <>
Jun 9, 2022, 6:08 PM (8 hours ago) [+2022.06.08]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Russia having show trials of Ukrainian soldiers? Aren't they just following the example of Mr .Zelensky's rush to try Russian war criminals to get more PR for his side of the war? Now, of course, Mr. Zelensky will cite the Russian trials of war criminals (he will surely call them patriots) as even more reason for everybody to give him more weapons. Mr. Zelensky is probalby the world's greatest self-promoter; he learned well from his time on the small screen. He will turn anything he can get his hands on to the advantage of his war aims which we have documenttion from one of his chief aides he was plotting since 2019. The one time I heard his PR campaign failed was when he tried to shame the Israelis about the Holocaust to get more weapons out of them, but that did not go over very well. The tail is wagging the dog. If we keep playing into Mr. Z's machinations and we wind up in World War I all over again jsut with nukes, don't say you were not warned. The war itself is the main criminal. Arrest it! America should be the adult in the room and use all our leverage to press both Mr. Zelensky and Mr. Putin for an immediate unconditional cease fire in place and then have them duke it out like gentlemen at the conference table not just keep killing more epeople, making more refugees, destroying more property and wrecking the wrold economy.

Your Comment on An 'Ugly' Inflation Report Upended Hopes That Price Gains Would Ease
The New York Times <>
Sat, Jun 11, 8:47 AM (16 hours ago) [+2022.06.10]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Mr. Biden needs to stop pouring more weapons into Mr. Zelensky's war to enable him to pretend he is bravely fighting for freedom against Russia when he is using us to overthrow the Russian government and enable himself to be autocratic ruler of a Ukraine propped up by NATO, including the Donbas which if free would likely have seceeded. Mr. Zelensky's war is ruining everytihng, including now the potential for mass starvation in the less developed world, and next maybe World War I again just this time with nuclear weapons. He is selfishly holding eveyrbody hostage with his sob story propaganda, when he should be negotiating with Mr. Putin for a peaceful prosperous NEUTRAL and Russia friendly Ukraine. The tail is wagging the dog and we are all in the doghouse. The Zenensky price of Diesal here where I live is now $6.00: Anerica runs on long haul trucking, not on virtuous sentments about Mr. Putin which conveniently ignore history. Item: The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, where John Kennedy was in Vladimir Putin's role today. Ukrainians are dying due to this war. Our economy is getting wrecked. What next? Military conscription like for 'Nam?

Your Comment on Five Blunt Truths About the War in Ukraine
The New York Times <>
10:36 AM (3 hours ago) [+2022.05.15]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Nobody will want to hear this and maybe The Times won't dare to print it: If the war in Ukraine spirals out of control and results in thermmonucler World War III, that may mean the end of the human species and all high life forms on earth. Short of that it may mean a new Dark Age, something like the last half of the first millenium, after the Fall of the Roman Empire. No advanced civilization will be able to come out of WWIII unscathed. This is what we got by voting for Mr. Biden in 2020. If, on the other hand, Mr. Trump had won and he had not abetted the Ukraine war because of his peeve about Mr. Zelensky not digging up dirt on Hunter Biden combined with his admiration for Mt. Putin, the result would likely have been the destruction of The United States of America. Civilization: China, Western Europe and others, can fairly easily survive America self-destructing. It cannot likely survive the result of World War III with thermonuclear weapons, which a New Yorker magazine article some years ago described as: "A kingdom of grasses and cockroaches." Mr. Biden and the American people need to face up to the reality of an OpEd piece in the May 31 issue of The New York Times: Mr. Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. Guaino [on a certain point]. "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity."....

Your Comment on Russians Breached This City, Not With Troops, but Propaganda
The New York Times <>
1:43 PM (8 minutes ago) [+2022.06.17]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
It is a great idea for Russians to sow doubts in Ukrainians minds about the very selfish tv actor who does not care about human life, but onty about: "Zelensky's Adviser, Oleksiy Arestovych, confirms that a full-scale war with Russia was pre-planned and desired by the Ukrainian regime for the purpose of joining NATO as far back as in 2019" ( If I was in Ukarine and especially if I was male between 18 and 62 who was being enlisted for walk ons for TV Commando Z's continuing reality television show, I would have tried to get out by any means available: Wear a burqa, hire a soldier of fortune, bribe a border guard – my kingdom for a horse. I think I would always have seen through him but with his escalation of his long running war against the Donbas this year, it was time to get out. I saw a picture in The New York Times of the cities on the plain, smoke rising from ruins (I have made it my personal computer background picture – a wretched image of continuing death and destruction), and I remember Lot's wife in the Bible. Unconditional in-place cease-fire now! Stop the killing! Then Messrs. Z and P get to the conference table and provide for Russia's security concerns and and also honest NEUTRAL peceful prosperous government in Ukraine.

Your Comment on After a Pivotal Period in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Predict the War's Path
The New York Times <>
11:19 AM (4 hours ago) [+2022.06.21]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Why are we continuing to abet Mr. Zelensky's war which is killing people and poetentially may lead to World War III before wrecking the global economy on the way? We have "smoking gun" documentation that he was planning this war at least since 2019 because he wsnts to lead a NATO not a peaceful prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine. What we need is an immediate in-place cease fire. Then conference between the U.S., Russia and Mr. Zekensky for a settlement of the dispute which respets Russia's security needs and assures also the peaceful security of the Ukrainian people, with or without Mr. Zelensky. That conference could be held in Mr. Zelensky's lovely 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy in a neighborhood which he shares with other oligarchs. Why is Mr. Biden, who says he is a Catholic, not listening to our good Pope Francis: "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted," the pope said, "and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace."

Your Comment on A Sleepy Baltic Rail Line Gets a Geopolitical Wakeup Call
The New York Times <>
Fri, Jun 24, 7:30 PM (7 hours ago)
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Bradford McCormick | New York
@Gennady Why shouldn't Poland press Mr. Zelensky to stop his war with Mr. Putin and everybody get together like civilized persons at the conference table to negotiate a peaceful, prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine which also respects Russia's security concerns? Is a bellicose partisan NATO Ukraine better than a Ukraine which takes no partisan sides but stands squarely for the universalizing values of the European Enlightenment, as a model for everybody else? A shining city on a hill, not "cities on the plaine" (Sodom and Gomorrah). God destroyed those cities because the people did not show hospitality to his angels who came disguised as human visitors. Mr. Zelensky needs to learn hospitality, and yes, Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, too. If I was a Ukrainian, especially a male between 18 and 60 years of ago, I would have left the place early in this year when Mr. Putin prepared to respond to our ignoring his very reasonable security requests from December. I still remember Lot's wife each new day.

Your Comment on How I Build a Good Day When I'm Full of Despair at the World
The New York Times <>
11:06 AM (1 minute ago) [+2022.06.28]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
I have all my life been at best disappointed in America which squandered its vast power at the end of World War II for suburban lawns with split level houses on them. 27 August of last year, when I opened my print opy of the Times and read the news article in the bottom right corner on the front page: "New York's Private Schools Tackle White Privilege. It Has Not Been Easy.", by Michael Powell, the only thing that could have been worse would have been if it really was an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). And now America is descending into darkness in Ukraine, providing weapons to Mr. Zelensky's pet war to keep Ukraine from beingpeaceful and NEUTRAL, which may esalate into World War I all over again just this time witht nuclear weapons. I'm the passenger in a car headed at a concrete wall at 60 mph and the driver has the accelerator pedal to the metal and I can't do anythig about it. So what do I do? I like to write. I like to ThINK and I think I in revising what I write (as here). So IU look for any venue wher eI can write something to try to stop the slaughter, starting each new morning with a user comment on The White House website.[2] And Mr. eelensky's machinations have got me interested a new scholarly subject: What was life really like on the other side of The Iron Curtain? How much of what is in my head about it is Amerian better dead than red propaganda? As Rene Decartes famously said: "Cogito ergo sum". I still think therefore I still am.

Comment about White House website sent to The Wihite House +2022.07.27:

(1) The approximately 2005 character maximum size for the message that goes in this "what would you like to say" mesage box constricts the ability to send a message that is nuanced and carefully thought out.

A limit of 64,000 characters would more reasonably allow for such things as sending essays by scholars back to inform the Executive Branch.

(2) Even more important and discouraging is that when I submit a comment here, the only response back is something like "Thank you" .

What is needed is for the confrmatuon message to echo: (1) all the header information (name, etc.) and (2) the full text the user submitted. That would assure the user both that what they intented to send was received but also that the user themself actually sent wha they intended to send.

In other words, the confirmation message needs to assure the sender both that (1) they did what they intended to do and that (2) what text the White House received. This is basic good user interface etiquette. Few websites do it but you can set a high standard and provide a good model for others to follow..

I worked for 40+ years in computer user interface design and would be pleased to consult with you to provide design guidance for your website. ~ jttps://

I look forward to hearing from you.

Repeated above comment about White House website, sent to The Wihite House +2022.08.11:

When I submit a comment on this website, the only response I get back is something like "Thank you" . What is needed is for the confrmatuon message to echo: (1) all the header information (name, etc.) and (2) the full text that the user submitted. That would assure the user both that what they intended to send was received but also that the user themself actually sent what they intended to send. This is especially important for a citizen such as myself who has a disability, OCD (Obsessive Compuisive Disorder), so that I worry myself about what did I send and did I send anything or not. The confirmation message needs to assure the sender both that (1) they did what they intended to do and (2) what text the White House received. This is basic good user interface etiquette. Few websites do it but you can set a high standard and provide a good model for others to follow.. I worked for 40+ years in computer user interface design and would be pleased to consult with you to provide design guidance for your website. ~

A black hole: It sucks everything in and outputs only escalation of anti-Putin war.

+2022.07.03. Verbatim example of the User Comment I submit in The White House website message box each nite. I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) do not get back confirmation text so I don't know if I am succeeding or just submitting into the void:

Mr. President, stop feeding the Amerian people cheer rally propaganda about this war. Our good Pope Frencis said: "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined." Abraham Lincoln felt wage labor differed from slavery in being a temporary not a permanent condition. In 1921, There was a revolution for real democracy in Ukraine: The Kronstadt sailors' rebellion. Mr. Putin is the leader of a capitalist nation state just like you. Mr. Zelensky just wants Biden capitalism, not Putin capitalism; he planned this war since 2019 to get it. Years ago, Mr. Putin wanted to be part of NATO, but we were not interested. Work with Mr. Putin againt Mr. Xi's expansionism and to stop global overheating; stop dissing Mr. Putin! Apparently the Brits are screaming for full out war. World War I all over again with a generation of the best and brightest dying in the fields, this time not of Flanders, but Ukraine? Insanity. Please, Mr. President, come to your senses! Stop fueling Mr. Zelensky's war! Turn off the American military welfare spigot and he will have to come to his senses and negotiate with Mr. Putin to address Russia's existential security needs and provide peaceful NEUTRALITY for the Ukrainian people. In NYT OpEd Piece May 31, Christpopher Calldwell wrote: Mr. [Henry] Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. [Henri] Guaino.... "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity." Wake up, Mr. President, and smell the wasted corpses and rubble in Ukraine! Let this not spread any further! You can stop this catastrophe, and you can do it now, Sir! Pick up the phone, right now, to Mesrs. Zelensky and Putin. Thank you, Sir.

+2022.07.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 21:30ET:

Please stop abetting Mr. Zelensky's war, a war he has been planniung since at least 2019 because he does not like the idea of something good: A peaceful prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine. Listen to out good Pope Francis: "The world is at war," he said. "For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted," the pope said, "and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Make America and yourself be THE GREAT MEDIATOR who puts an end to this insanity! Turn off the Amerian military welfare spigot to that comedian who is not funny, TV Commando Z, and he will have to come to the conference table: (1) negotiate existential security for Russia like our President Kennedy demanded from the Soviet Union in the 1962 Cuban missile Crisis, and (2) peace and prosperity for all the people of Ukraine whom his war has not yet murdered, whatever their partisan allegiance. Mr. Putin is not the aggressor: he is responding to what Mr. Zelensky planned since at least 2019. Mr. Putin is not a nice guy. He is a former juvenile delinquent. Of course he is not just rolling over on his belly and crying: "Uncle [Sam]!" He, like yourself, Sir, is leader of a superpower. Sir. Once the evil genie of July-August 1914 is out of the bottle again (but with nukes this time!), nobody will be able to stuff it back in. For the sake all of us who are not yet dead, and for generations to come, put realpolitik above your personal emotions and stop this apocalyptic folly we ordinary people are helplessly watching unfold. Man up, Sir!

+2022.07.05. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:00ET:

I lose sleep over America's foreign policy supporting Mr. Zelensky's selfish war which is murdering people, wreaking havoc with the economy, risking causing World War I again just with nuclear weapons this time.... It is entirely unnecessary: You should have have addressed Russia's security concerns last December. It may not yet be too late to rectify this tragic mistake. In 1962, Nikita Khrushchev backed off from his adventurist operation to place Soviet missiles in Cuba and World War III was averted. You have not backed off from posing a similar existential Russia in the Ukraine. I lose sleep over America's foreign policy supporting Mr. Zelensky's selfish war which is murdering people, wreaking havoc with the economy, risking causing World War I again just with nuclear weapons this time.... It is entirely unnecessary: You should have have responsibly addressed Russia's security concerns last December. It may not yet be too late to rectify this tragic mistake. In 1962, Nikita Khrushchev backed off from his adventurist operation to place Soviet missiles in Cuba and World War III was averted. You have not backed off from posing a similar existential threat to Russia in the Ukraine. I despair, so I once more repeat The Vicar of Christ, our good Pope Francis's deeply felt and thoughtful words. How many places in the Bible does it call out those who have ears but do not hear or eyes but do not see, Sir? "The world is at war," he said. "For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted," the pope said, "and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." ---- In NYT OpEd Piece May 31, Christpopher Calldwell wrote: Mr. [Henry] Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. [Henri] Guaino.... "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity." You are in command Mr. President. It's all in your hands this and each new day. As a mere citizen I can only study history not affect it. Are you the captain of a ship of fools, Sir? Are you Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick? Sorry, Sir, I meant: chasing Vladimir Putin.

+2022.07.05. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (May contain slight differences due to that when I submit my message I can't see it any more due to bed website design and I failed to make a copy before pressing Send), 23:45ET:

Please stop our misguided war in Ukraine! You ignore our good Pope Francis's words, maybe because he is just a Catholic priest who cries for suffering souls? You ignore Univerity of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer's words, maybe because he is just an intellectual sitting in an endowed chair who may not even be able to ride a bicycle straight? I listened to a blood and guts U.S. Marine Corps combat veteran, Colonel Richard Black: ".... it's time for Ukraine to negotiate for peace and end the useless slaughter. Perhaps it could propose a framework reminiscent of the highly successful Auestrian state treaty of 1955 which saw the Soviet Union and allied powers withdraw their forces from Autria in exchange for Austria amending its constitution to make it forever a neutral nonaligned nation...." Respectfully, do you have ears but hear not and eyes but do not see (Jeremiah 5:21, etc.)? (Reference: – Ukraine Has Lost the War: But Thermonuclear War Still Threatens 339,320 views Jun 20, 2022 Recorded June 13, 2022 Excerpted from the June 18-19 Schiller Institute conference, "There Can Be No Peace Without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System.") Is President Biden truly so emotionally immature and mentally limited that he is a dog being wagged by its Zelansky tail? Or is he less stupid and more cynical? In any case he is putting all of us in the Zelensky doghouse. Have we replaced a President who treasonously trusted Vladimir Putin more than the CIA, for a President who can't control his puerile Remember-the-Alamo / Captain Ahab emotions about that man? All you in the West Wing should be studying the information about this insane, unconscionable folly: Why are you who is reading this not speaking truth to power? All of you are each new day doing more grave damage to all of us. For the sake of humanity, wake up and smell the Zelensky gas surcharge! For the sake of humanity, shape up and rescind it! Thank you.

+2022.07.07. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (May contain slight differences due to that when I submit my message I can't see it any more due to bed website design and I failed to make a copy before pressing Send), 01:30ET:

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is a colossal disaster which .... will lead people all around the eworld to search for its causes. Those who believe in facts and logic will quickly discover that the United States and its allies are mainly responsible for this train wreck. The April 2008 decision to bring Ukraine and Georgia in to NATO was destined to lead to conflict with Russia. The Bush administration was the principal architect of that fateful choice but the Obama, Trump and Biden adminisrations have doubled down on that policy at every turn and America's allies have dutifully followed. Even though Russia's leaders made it perfectly clear that bringing Ukraine into NATO would be crossing the brightest of red lines, the United States simply refused to accommodate Russia's deepest security concerns and instead moved relentlessly to make Ukraine a Western bulwark on Russia's border. The tragic truth is that if The West had not pursued NATO expansion into Ukraine it is unlikely there would be a war in Ukraine today and Crimea would still be part of Ukraine. In essence, Washington played the central role in leading Ukraine down the path to destruction. History will judge The United States and its allies with abundant harshness for its remarkably foolish policy on Ukraine. (John Mearsheimer, 16 June 2022, The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies) Mr. President, I have not yet looked at today's news. I pray I will read that we finally have a cease fire.

+2022.07.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:00ET:

Mr. Putin's "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians", 12 July 2021. sought a peaceful mutually productive relationship with an independent but uderstandably Russia friendly nexdoor neighbor. Ignorant people can always be turned into "patriots" by telling them their country is under threat. Mr. Zelensky sends untrained men to fight reminiscent of old men and boys defending Berlin in the last deys of World War II. Mr. Zelensky "exploit[s] the image of the 'victim of external aggression' and peddle[s] Russophobia... The Russians in Ukraine are being forced... to believe that Russia is their enemy" Mr. Putin warned: "We will never allow our historical territories and people close to us living there to be used against Russia.... this way they will destroy their own country." Today it is happening after you and Mr. Zelensky ignored Mr. Putin's letter of 17 December last. Instead of Russia and Ukraine being like the USA and Canada (not the U.S. and Cuba!), we have the first land war in Europe since the defeat of the Nazis other than in the always bellicose Balkans. Friendship between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples has been wrecked by Mr. Zelensky's determination at least since 2019 to lead a Ukraine propped up by NATO. He is the tail and you are the dog and he is happily letting you wag for him whether from immature emotions or cynical showmanship. Many persons are being murdered and the world's economy wrecked by this fool's errand. It threatens to get out of control and unleash nuclear World War III. Our good Pope Francis urges: "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." You can stop this insane potlatch, Mr. President: (1) turn of the weapons spigot to TV Commando Z, and (2) press him and Mr. Putin for an immediate in-place cesse fire. A suffering humanity will thank you, Sir.

+2022.07.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 22:30ET:

Please, Mr. President, stop the terrible war in Ukraine! I looked at the position of a variety of democratic socialist parties concerning the Ukraine war. They all come to the scme conclusion as seems obvious to me: Both sides are wrong. They see it as Putin Capitalism versus Zelensky capitalism. Neither side is on the side of worker self rule which would carry forward the 1921 Ukrainian Kronstadt sailors' rebellion which was crushed by the Bolshevkis (the "Communists"). From both the side of worker freedom, and and also the side of our good Pope Francis for God's mercy for His suffering people, the message is the same: This wretched war is just harming the people. The war needs to stop. The slaughter needs to be put an end to. For the sake of suffering humaniy as well a in the name of freedom, plese, Mr. President, (1) Turn off Mr. Zelensky's American military weapons welfare spigot, (2) Press both hima nd Mr. Putin an immediate in-place uconditional cease fire, and (3) the three of you – whom our good Pope Francis calls: potentates, get to the conference table and lay the foundation for a peaceful, prosperout NEUTRAL Ukraine which will be feindly both to us in the West and also to Russia, and not be part of NATO or any other military alliance, and thus address the Russians' "existential" security concerns as weell as providing us a buffer against any possible Russian expansionism. Let us all start living happinly ever after, not piling up as corpses on devastated Ukrainian cities and farmland. Who does not agree with this except for those who have drank the Zelensky Kool-Ade? Peace in Ukraine now, for all humanity, Mr President!>/p>

+2022.07.10. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:00ET:

Please, Mr. President, whoever is reading these Contact Us Comments on The White Houe website, stop the slaughter in Ukraine! Make the most recent person killed in that war be the last one! Listen to the plea from our good Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted," the pope said, "and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." We need Ukraine to be peaceful, prosperous and NEUTRAL: a demilitarized buffer, friendly to both ourselves and to Russia, a bulwark of peace standing in the way of potential incipient aggressive adventurism from both partisan sides. America ourselves needs to cease to be partisan and become THE GREAT MEDIATOR both in Ukraine and in other troubled places in our troubled world. Please, Mr. President, turn off the American weapons welfare spigot to Mr Zelensky which is the only way he is able to keep up his selfish war. It's time for this TV actor whose role has gone to his head's reality television program for real to go off the air before this extremely dangerous sitation really gets out of hand – goes critical like Chernobyl – and we have World War I all over again, only this time with nuclear weapons. Who will stop this insanity, Mr. President? If not you, Sir, who? If not now, Sir, when?

+2022.07.12. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 00:30ET:

Mr. President, please press for an immediate in-place cease-fire in Ukraine now. Our good Pope Francis has urged: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted," the pope said, "and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Cornering Mr. Putin like a rabid animal is not a wise course of action. Threatening him should be expected to elicit as expected result for him to strike back at his attacker(s), i.e., ourselves, due to your extremely risky foreign policy of trying to strangle Russia's economy and furnishing massive military aid to Mr. Zelensky. Without your continuing infusion of more weapons, that television actor whose role has apparently gone to his head would have little choice other than to come to a conference table and resolve his differences rationally with Mr. Putin. For the sake of "a humanity that cries out for peace", Mr. President, reconsider your adventurist foreign policy in Ukraine before it is too late. If this war continues, local disaster impends to escalate into the universal catastrophe of World War I all over again, just with nuclear weapons this time. Short sighted folly of "reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates" caused that unnecessary catastrophe in 1914. You, Sir, can prevent them from doing it to us all again in 2022. Body parts of men who died in that war are still being found in the fields of Ukraine – excuse me, Sir, typoraphical error, Sir: "in the Fields of Flanders".

+2022.07.13. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:00ET:

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it." A television actor whose tv role went to his head is destroying Ukraine to save it – for his partisan agenda. Mr. Zelensky is only able to do this because of massive Amerian military welfare. Mr. Zelensky is the tail wagging the dog. The dog is The United States. We are his enablers. Mr. Putin is not the aggressor. Since at least 2008, Russia made it clear that Ukraine in NATO is an "existential" threat, like Soviet missiles in Cuba for America in 1962. Mr. Putin continued to seek negotiations up through Deceber 17 last. We ignored all his efforts and as a last resort he started his brutal "special military operation". We asked for it. Pope Francis has urged: "The world is at war," he said. "For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted," the pope said, "and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Stop giving Mr. Zelensky weapons! Press him for an immediate, in-place cease-fire and to the conference table to negotiate a settlement for a peaceful NEUTRAL Ukraine that can then build back better! Mr. Zelensky does not value human life; as long as you give him more weapons he will continue to pile up corpses and rubble in a spiraling stalemate. Avert World War III which will result in tens of millions more casualties when this useless insanity metastacizes beyond Ukraine's borders! The stifled voice of humanity cries out for peace, Mr. President! Amen.

+2022.07.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:20ET:

A Parable for the Ukraine war: As a teenager I attended a "preparatory" school nominally asociated with the Episcopal Church (St. Paul's School, Brooklandville MD) but where they worshipped graven images: Varsity football team victory trophies. They got the students all hyped up and bellicose against the school's chief rival, Gilman School: "Beat Gilman!". They never had the kids write essays on whether the students at Gilman Shool cheered: "Beat Gilman!", and, if not, why not. The boys from the two schools were being egged on to be partisan and hateful, not to cooperate in harmony. You, Mr. President, are doing the same thing in Ukraine today. You are not being civilized and rising above petty sectarianism to build mutual peace and harmony. The best thing you can do about Mr. Putin is to set a good example yourself: stop threatening him by strangling his economy and giving Mr. Zelensky ever more military welfare to enable him to continue to pursue his selfish war. But you can do much more about yourself and the American people. We can all become more educated, more civilized. We can make America be THE GREAT MEDIATOR to make Ukraine peaceful and NEuTRAL, Then you and Mr. Putin can cooperate to help a Ukraine friendly to both sides build back better. Start by pressing Messrs. Zelensky and Putin to immediately declare an in-place cease-fire to stop the insanity: they are just uselessly making more corpses and destroying more property. Or Sir, are you aiming in the adult version of school spirit to lead us all to the championship game: World War III? ---- "A liberal is a man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel." (Robert Frost, cited by Barak Obama)

+2022.07.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:30ET: was in Bosna.... there was an old man.... he was 80 years old and he looked as though he had already died.... and I asked him... Are you a Croat or a muslim? And he said, "I'm a musician".... (BBC World Service, June 26, 2022 03:00AM-06:00AM BST) Please, Mr. President, be THE GREAT MEDIATOR for Ukraine, neither pro Zelensky nor pro Putin but human, like that old musician. Imagine how all this looks to Mr. Putin, and get beyond the agendas of both sides of this extremely dangerous dispute. Mr. Zelensky goes off in vituperative (psychotic?) rants against anybody who does anything he does not like, e.g., "repaired turbine from the Nord Stream 1 pipeline will be returned [by Canada] to Germany". He fawns over anybody who gives him more weapons. See how dangerous he is? Our good Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." New York Times OpEd May 31, Christpopher Calldwell: Mr. [Henry] Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. [Henri] Guaino.... "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity." Say "No!" to this insanity, Mr. President! Press both Mr. Zelensky and Mr. Putin for an immediate in-place cease-fire and then settle their differences at the conference table, perhaps in Mr. Zelensky's villa in Tuscany Italy. Then, together with Mr. Putin, build Ukraine back better for the good of us all, Sir.

+2022.07.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 23:10ET:

All the news is full of the Russians did this, the Russians did that, Russan war crimes and on and on... We caused it by ignoring Russia's Western border security concerns for two decades. Our last chance to prevent this disaster was Mr. Putin's letter 17 December. Our chickens have come home to roost. Mr. Putin is a former juvenile delinquent who made good in the KGB and has a Ph.D. He tried everything to get us to address Russia's security needs and we ignored him. We are the donkey whose attention the farmer could get only by hitting him over the head with a 2 by 4. This mess is more and more getting out of control. It has a precedent: the follies and blunders that led to World War I. Mr. President, for the sake of humanity, stop the insanity! Stop feeding more weapons that small-time television actor on a power trip whose role of commando in a green t-shirt has gone to his head. Mr. Zelensky is getting off on being the tail wagging the dog (U.S.) and leading us all to ruin. If he was a champion for freedom he would have picked up where 1921 Kronstadt sailors rebellion left off, not NATO. Use all America's economic and military leverage to pressure both Mr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky to an immediate IN-PLACE cease fire. Then get them to the negotiating table for a settlement which will address Russia's security needs and be a NEUTRAL buffer between Russia and the West. A peaceful, prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine, not the present barbarism of uneducated men killing each other. Once the bickering has ended and Ukraine's NEUTRALITY is assured, work with Mr. Putin to build Ukraine back better. There would be no rubble, no dead bodies who will have no freedom, if we had done the right thing. Please do it now: Respect Russia's need to not have NATO on its Western border like our President Kennedy did not want Soviet missiles in Cuba on our border in 1962. For the sake of all us who are not yet dead, stop this insane folly: IN-PLACE cease-fire now, Sir!

+2022.07.17. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:00ET:

Ukraine war Isn't it odd, Mr. President, that 20 years ago Mr. Putin wanted to join NATO but we did not let him in? Isn't it odd that had we not let Russia devolve into kleptocracy in the 1990s but instead had a Marshall Plan to build Russia back better, the Russian people would today have a liberal democracy instead of Mr. Putin's autocratic regime which they chose over the only alternative available: carpetbagger anarchy? How did America get is so wrong? Why are we trying to just get rid of the problem we caused instead of fixing its result: Mr. Putin likes NATO troops on his Western border exactly as much as our President John Kennedy liked Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962: Not at all. We can still patch up the situation if we stop feeding Mr. Zelensky the military welfare that enables him to continue his selfish war. Whether he is using America to advance his career or America is using him as a proxy to effect regime change in Russia or both is not relevant to the immediate issue of stopping the slaughter and preventing it from spiraling our of control into World War III which will murder tens of millions and bless the survivors with radioactive fallout. Our good Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Please get on with it, Mr. President! Stop giving weapons to Mr. Zelenaky, and press both him and Mr. Putin for an IMMEDIATE, IN-PLACE CEASE-FIRE, NOW! Why have you not done this already, Sir?

+2022.07.17. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 22:10ET:

Hello again, whoever is reading this my daily prayer for peace in Ukraine! I read that Mr. Biden is a practicing Roman Catholic. Our good Pope Francis has urged: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." I recently read something sad which speaks to the human spirit, which America's current foreign policy: providing weapons welfare to Mr. Zelensky to enable him to continue his selfish war in Ukraine, is crushing: was in Bosnia, the biggest single act of ethnic cleaning I had witnessed to date.... and there was an old man who stopped to talk to us.... and he was 80 years old and he looked as though he had already died.... and I asked him do you mind if I ask you Are you a Croat or a muslim? And he said, "I'm a musician".... (BBC World Service, June 26, 2022 03:00AM-06:00AM BST, Internet Archive) Humanity needs an-place cease-fire everywhere in the Ukraine war now! Make Ukraine peaceful and NEUTRAL! Then let The United States of America build Ukraine back better in cooperation with the Russian Federation, and educate its people. Mr. Zelensky needs to retire from the reality TV role he is playing: Commando Z in a green t-shirt. If he does not wish to be part of humanity, he owns a lovely 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy to which to retire. Please Mr. President, save Ukraine and the world economy from this war, and from its impending expansion into World War III: Press for an in-place cease-fire now!

+2022.07.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 00:45ET:

The Ukraine mad folly. Dr. Jordon Peterson, a Canadian public intellectual with impeccable conservative anti-communist credentials, has urged: The United States has no vital interest in pursuing this war, where "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" are on the march, and which impends to become World War III with nuclear weapons. Our good Pope Francis has urged: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." In NYT OpEd Piece May 31, Christpopher Calldwell wrote: Mr. [Henry] Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. [Henri] Guaino.... "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity." To any dispassionate observer, it is obvious that Mr. Zelensky has become at best unhinged if not clinically psychotic in his endless rantings against anybody who does anything he does not like, alternating with fawning sob story pleas for more weapons to fight Ukraine's pro-Russian citizens and Russia's albeit brutal reaction to his longstanding anti-Russia agenda. You conveniently fail to acknowledge the exact analogy to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis just with the tables turned: Putin in place of Kennedy and yourself in place of Khrushchev. Khrushchev backed off, Sir! For the sake of humanity, Mr. President, stop pouring gasoline on a conflagration; press both sides for an immediate in-place cease-fire!

+2022.07.20. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:00ET:

Our good Pope Francis has urged anent the continuing hostilities in Ukraine: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." In NYT OpEd Piece May 31, Christpopher Calldwell wrote: Mr. [Henry] Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. [Henri] Guaino.... "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity." And now Mr. Zelensky has found 651 traitors in his government. This sounds like Mr. Zelensky may be suffering from paranoid psychotic delusions. In other words, Mr. President, we are likely supporting the rule of a man who needs to be remanded for treatment in a psychiatric hospital, not commanding soldiers in the battlefield. Isn't that cause for grave concern, Mr. President? For the sake of humanity, Mr. President, stop pouring gasoline on the mad conflagration in Ukraine; press both sides for an immediate in-place cease-fire!

+2022.07.21. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 00:30ET:

Mr. Zelensky keeps whining about the Russians doing all sorts of bad things but he provoked it. Since 2019 he planned this war and it started in February. Whatever is bugging him is causing trouble everywhere and for everybody. Please, Mr. President, stop abetting his selfish agenda: Cut off his weapons welfare spigot. Then he will have to negotiate with the Russians a peaceful, prosperous, NEUTRAL Ukraine, perhaps without him. He has a lovely villa in Tuscany Italy to go to. Mr. Zelensky is a threat to civiization and he does not care what damage he causes. His endless rants, including the recent one about 561 traitors in his government, indicate he is clinically psychotic. He needs to be removed from office, to a psychiatric hospital. Conservative Dr. Jordan Peterson has urged: Ukraine is not a vital interest to the The United States but avoiding thermonuclerar World War III is. Our good Pope Francis has urged: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." NATO in Ukraine in 2022 is to Mr. Putin what Soviet missiles in Cuba were to our President Kennedy in 1962: an existential threat. Mr. Khrushchev backed off and nuclear war was averted. You need to back off in Ukraine today, Sir! Please, Mr. President, stop the folly supporting a mad man. Pressure that tv actor whose role has gone to his head to get with Mr. Putin for an in-place cease fire as a beginning of sanity and hope for humanity. Thank you, Sir.

+2022.07.21. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 23:20:

The news says you have a mild case of Covid, Mr. President. Life is precious. We are all mortal and each day may be our last. May you quickly recover and not suffer long Covid. I do not belong to the Roman Catholic religion, Mr. President, so I sincerely apologise in advance if I misunderstand your faith. I read you carry rosary beads. Are rosary beads for causing people to suffer and die? The reason Mr. Zelensky is able to kill so many people and cause so much suffering in the war in Ukraine is that you are giving him massive military support to continue to carry on and even keep escalating his side of that war. The casualties of the Ukraine war look like they are largely due to your actions, Mr. President. Otherwise Mr. Zelensky would have little alternative than negotiating with Mr. Putin for a peaceful, prosperous, NEUTRAL Ukraine and an end to the troubles this war is causing all people on earth. Do you pray on rosary beads with the blood of the victims of this war – the casualties – the dead souls – the martyrs – on your hands, on your fingers, Mr. President? Is that the faith of The Vicar of Christ, your good Pope Francis? Pope Francis has urged (and I, Mr. President, respectfully concur): "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace."

+2022.07.23. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 00:30:

Ukraine and Russia agree deal to resume grain exports through Ukraine's Black Sea ports.... Russia's blockade of the ports reduced global grain supplies and increased prices.... The deal was signed in Turkey, whose government brokered the deal alongside the UN.... UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres calls it an "agreement for the world" and a "beacon of hope" (THe BBC) Mr. President, why did not The United Staes of America broker this deal, not a dubious ally with an autocratic government? Get on with brokering an in-place cease-fire between Mr. Zelensky and the Russians to stop the slaughter, Sir, not: "Washington is sending another $270 million in military aid to Kyiv." (NYT). Our good Pope Francis has urged (and I, Mr. President, respectfully concur): "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." ---- Now, look what our supplying Mr. Zelensky with longer range weapons is accomplishing: Russia's military focus in Ukraine is no longer "only" the east, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said. In an interview with Russian state media, he implied Moscow's strategy had changed after the West supplied Ukraine with longer-range weapons. Russia would now have to push Ukrainian forces further from the front line to ensure its own security, he explained. His comments came as the US announced it would provide Ukraine with more long-range weapons. (The BBC) Tit for tat. No gain but more pain, Sir! In-place cease fire now!

+2022.07.23. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 23:50:

"Washington is sending another $270 million in military aid to Kyiv." (NYT). Look what our supplying Mr. Zelensky with longer range weapons is accomplishing: Russia's military focus in Ukraine is no longer "only" the east, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said... He implied Moscow's strategy had changed after the West supplied Ukraine with longer-range weapons. Russia would now have to push Ukrainian forces further from the front line to ensure its own security, he explained. His comments came as the US announced it would provide Ukraine with more long-range weapons. (The BBC) Tit for tat. No gain but more pain. What are you and your administration thinking or not thinking, Sir? Our good Pope Francis has urged (and I, Mr. President, respectfully concur): "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." ---- That spiteful little man in Ukraine is whining that Russia may not keep his side of the grain transit agreement. Why isn't Mr. Zelensky HELPING Russia keep its side of the agreement: Provide provisions for Russian soldiers on task and encourage Ukrainian ladies to offer them their favors to help the Russian soldiers have good attitudes in carrying out the agreement. I once heard our great military tactician USAF Col. John R. Boyd explain: The way to win a guerilla war is to offer the people a more appealing life than the enemy offers them. Has Mr. Z tried this in the Donbas?

+2022.07.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 01:00:

Mr. President, are you being used by the neo-conservatives, with their eternal hawkish agenda, as a puppet in Ukraine, like they used your predecessor, Mr. George W. Bush, in Iraq? You both seem to be trusting souls with good hearts but lacking in geo-political savvy. We see what happened in Iraq. It may already be that bad in Ukraine today, but with the added terrifying prospect of this war not just continuing to kill persons and destroy property in Ukraine, but further exploding into thermonoclear World War III. Our good Pope Francis has urged: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted," the pope said, "and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Please, Mr. President, stop giving more weapons to a man who appears from his unhinged rants to be clinically psychotic, who probably should be in a mental hospital and certainly not governing an important nation state, especially in fateful times! Press Mr. Zelensky, and also Mr. Putin, to implement an immediate in-place cease-fire, and then to negotiate an agreement to build a peaceful, prosperous, NEUTRAL Ukraine back better, Sir!

+2022.07.26. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 10:10:

We have Mr. Putin in Russia today because we did not have a Marshall Plan for Russia when the USSR collapsed in the 1990's. We let Russia fall into kleptocratic anarchy. The Russian people opted for law and order: Mr. Putin. He never was anti-United States; he was pro-Russia. In the early 2000's he wanted to join NATO but we ignored him. Then, up thru December 17, all he asked for was what our President Kennedy demanded in 1962: Mr Kennedy would have gone to war with The Soviet Union if Mr. Khrushchev had not backed off placing missiles in Cuba. Had you backed off and made Mr. Zelensky negotiate a peaceful, prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine, Mr. Putin would never have started his "special military operation". The Russians have not forgotten that in the 1990's we promised NATO would not go East of Germany. We renegged. Now our chickens have come home to roost, Mr. President. Look at both sides, Sir: You would not like Mr. Putin promulgating a policy to overthrow your regime and castrate your military, would you? Why should he like it when we do that to him? See both sides and rise above the fray to be THE GREAT MEDIATOR who effects a settlement which neither side may like but both sides will be able to tolerate. We need to stop the slsughter in Ukraine before it spins out of control into WW III and then we all lose. There is Mr. Xi's increasingly expansionist China. India, a nation America has never liked because they are democratic but non-aligned, is now moving in to address Chinese aggression in the Southwest Pacific. If we would stop wasting our time and resources propping up that loose cannon in Ukraine, we may still be able to get with Russia, and also with India to all together stand up to Mr. Xi before anybody needs to go to war with him. Instead you are forcing Russia into alignment with bad actor nations like Iran since you will not work with Mr. Putin for our mutual benefit. "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests." (Henry Kissinger)

+2022.07.27. Next User Comment: Submitted in The White House website, 01:20: A copy of my Short story: Great Leader kills himself due to having caused his people suffering and deaths to win a great victory in a war.

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¶ Yale Alumni Magazine July/August 2022, pp. 8-9. A graduate's cause [The earliest email I can now find about this to Yale is: 11 April]
It may be time to remember something. I graduated Yale College in the Class of 1968. Like today, it was the time of a contentious war, in that case, the Vietnam War.
     I did not sit on a folding wood chair in the Old Campus. I stood at the gate next to the post office in my cap and gown and collected donations for Quaker War Relief. At the end of the morning my collection can had $130 from the attendees.
Bradford McCormick '68
Mount Kisco, NY

Your Comment on Brittney Griner Pleads Guilty to Drug Charges in Russian Court
The New York Times <>
9:04 AM (1 hour ago) [+2022.07.08]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
It's time for Mr. Putin to show that he, unlike Amerca's President Biden, does not rule by immature emotional meltdowns in press conferences, but by statesmanship and realpolitik. Mr. Putin needs to just send this entirely inconsequential person who apparently does not think ("there was no intent") back to us (U.S.) with a blunt warning to us here whose Head of State has expressed entirely serious intent to overthrow his government because he doesn't feel Mr. Putin's values are nice, that her likes are not welcome in his country. And while he's at it, why not send Mr. Navalny back with her, on condition that man not cause any further trouble? Mr. Putin has more important things to do, like getting the television actor whose role has gone to his head, TV Commando Z, to the conference table to lay the foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, NEUTRAL Ukraine which will be friendly to both Russia and The West, not part of NATO, before that little man goes back to his lovely 15 room villa in a neighborhood he shares with other oligarchs in Tuscany Italy.

Your Comment on Ukraine and the Contest of Global Stamina
The New York Times <>
1:20 PM (10 minutes ago) [+2022.07.09]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Why are we still providing American military welfare to Mr Zekensky to enable him to continue his war? And it is his war: He planned it at least since 2019 because he does not like the idea of a Ukraine which is NEUTRAL. The Russian government has made it clear that they consider NATO on their border to be an "existential" threat to their security. Why do we keep antagonizing them? This is exactly the same situation as the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was for our President Kennedy. In that case, the aggressor, Mr. Khrushchev backed ff and the threat of war – nuclear war – was averted. Why are we not doing likewise? We are provoking Russia and risking nuclear war. We need to stop our folly, be it from ignorance or cynicism that we are doing it, and press both Mr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky for an in-place unconditional cease fire to stop the mass murder and destruction. Then the three you: Yourself, Mr. Biden and Messrs. Putin and Zelensky, of if needs be just yourself and Mr. Putin, and let Mr. Zelensky go back to his lovely 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy – we need to lay the foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, NEUTRAL demilitarized Ukraine which will be friend y to both The West and to Russia and belong to no partisan military alliance. And then twe all can get back to real problems such as the overheatinng of the earth which pollyanna people euphemistically call "global warming". The madness needs to end before it beings about the end of us all.

Your Comment on Desperate for Recruits, Russia Launches a 'Stealth Mobilization'
The New York Times <<
9:17 AM (4 minutes ago) [+2022.07.11]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
@Mary O'Connell Ukraine may have the "will" to defend itself, but the defense itself is only possible due to the massive infusion of Western, mostly American military equipment and probably also personnel. the Ukrainians may be brave or just foolish. But if the war is being won by T"our" side, it is America that is winning the war. The American people need to know that America is tt war with Russia so far via Mr. Zelensky's proxy army. This should be obvious and it has potentially grave implications for starting World War I all over again, just with nuclear weapons this time. Pope Fraincis has said: World WarIII has alrady begun and this should give is all cause for thought. He also says tha ta suffering humanity cries out for peace. It may not be too late to prevent disaster from becoming catastrophe.

Your Comment on Most Democrats Don't Want Biden in 2024, New Poll Shows
he New York Times <>
9:15 AM (7 minutes ago) [+2022.07.11]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Mr. Biden is unfit to govern. But not primarily becaues of all the issues with which everybody is unhappy about him. It's because of the issue on which everybody supports him: his support of Mr. Zelensky's historically wrong war in Ukraine which is leading us toward World War I all over again just with nuclear bombs this time. But that is a policy issue. The reason he is unfit to govern as opposed to pursuing a horribly wrong-headed policy is that in a press conference back in March he went off script and had an emotional meltdown and tnen instead of apologizing for letting his hormones get the best of him, he doubled down on his unstatesmanlike behavior beause he boasted it was due to virtuous vaulues. The real world is not run on virtuous values but on realpolitik: great powers pursuing their parochial interests and the little fish doing what they can to take advantage of the situation. Mr. Biden gets all teary eyes about dead heroes but he abets the production of more of them. He is leading America into the abyss. The problem is who would replace him. It was relatively simply with Mr. Trump because many good people opposed to his policies. But most of the good people in America are abetting the creeping apocalypse in Ukraine: everybody is cheering for the team. Only a very few voices, mosst notably University of Chicago Distinguished Professor of Political Science John Mearsheimer are speaking the reality of the situation. Nobody is listening.

Your Comment on Ukraine Is the Next Act in Putin's Empire of Humiliation
The New York Times <>
4:38 PM (6 minutes ago) [+2022.07.26]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Some highly educated persons in America do not agree with some of the opinions expressed by the writer of this OpEd piece. The persons who have already died due to the war no longer have any opinions. Those who are in process of becoming more casualties will have their lives cut short. The refugees are enjoying degraded lives. When this matter devolves into World War I all over again just with nuclear bombs this time, the earth will be blanketed with radioactive fallout and maybe there will be nuclear winter and the end of life on earth as we know it. Some people are choosing to double down on their beliefs and they do not care about the consequenes even to third parties who want no part of it. Some persons care about human life. "Ther is no memory which time does not efface, and no pain to which death does not being an end." (Sancho Panza)

Your Comment on The U.S. and Russia Need to Start Talking Before It's Too Late
The New York Times <>
11:23 AM (24 minutes ago) [+2022.07.27]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
@David H From you I hear SANITY, Sir! Russians love their country just like American love country. It's all a matter of the GPS coordinates of the birth canal the kid came out of. I attended a "prep" school, not Dalton like Mr. Blinken. Mr. Blinken needs to be assigned to write an essay nobody in the school I went to was assigned. My school's chief rival was Gilman School. The faculty got my school' kids all intoxicated before lacrosse games on testosterone and adrenaline, shouting: "Beat Gilman!" They never assigned the kids to write an essay: "Do students at Gilman School shout 'Beat Gilman!'? If yes, why. If no, why not. Your paper is due on my desk Friday at 10AM. Class dismissed." [Aside: Esprit d'escalier. I should have written: "Friday at 10AM, before the big game."]

Your Comment on As Ukraine Orders Civilians to Evacuate the East, Residents Face a Grim Choice
The New York Times <>=
Aug 1, 2022, 7:09 PM (5 hours ago)
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Why is Mr. Zelensky subjecting his people to this suffering? It is entirely unnecessary. All he needed to do if he was a true servant of the people was to make Ukraine peaceful, prosperous and NEUTRAL and to educate his people to higher spiritual values than flag waving petty patriotism. Russia would never have attacked Ukraine if Ukraine had never threatened to become part of NATO. From 2008 nd again in 2014, the Russians explained that Ukraine in NATO was a red line and we did not listen. This is the Cuban missile crisis all over again, with Mr. Putin in John Kennedy's place, Mr. Biden in Nakita Khrushchev's l=place and Mr. Zelensky in Fidel Castro' place. Kennedy threatened nuclear war; Khrushchev backed off and nuclear war was averted. Mr. Biden needs to back off now. Castro had no say in the matter then and Mr. Zelensky should have no say in the matter today. This is a matter for the big boys, not their puppets. Mr. Zelensky can do the right thing right now: Order an in-place unconditional cease-fire. Then get with Mr. Putin, perhaps at his lovely 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy, to negotiate a settlement to make Ukraine NEUTRA: A friend to all and antagonistic to none. Then Mr. Bida=and Mr. Putin need to join the Ukrainian people, including the pro-Russian s in the Donbas, with or without Mr. Zelensky, in building back that peaceful, prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine better. And educating the people to higher values than flag-waving petty partriotism, too. Cease fire now!

Your Comment on In My Homeland, the Smell of Death on a Summer Afternoon
The New York Times <>
Aug 9, 2022, 12:14 PM (16 hours ago)
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Bradford McCormick | New York
The solution to all this is so simple: Mr. Zelensky declares an immediate unconditional in-place cease fire and stops trying to make Ulraine part of NATO. Mr. Putin will then settle for independence for the Donbas region and we can all get on with building back better a peaceful. prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine. A great opportunity for Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden to learn how to work together on a joint constructive project. Mr. Zelensky can go into permanent exile in his lovely 15 room villa in Tuscay Italy which apparently he never opened to refugees from his war, and he should take Alexey Arestovich with him. The only thing standing in the way of this is Mr. Zelensky's obsession to advance his acting career no matter what the cost to the Ukrainian people and the rest of the world. Mr. Arestovich is apparently the brains behind the green t-shirt. We have chilling interview with him frem 2019 how they preplanned this mess. They expeced pressing for Ukraine in NATO would with "99%" certainty trigger a major war with Russia. They got what they wanted. Now the world needs to get rigd of them before this August 2022 escalates into August 1914 again just with atom bombs this time. TV Commando Z's reality television show needs to go off the air, permanently, for the good o the Ukrainian people and also for al lthe rest of us who are being hurt by it.

+2024.06.17 v133

United Nations flag. The only good nation is a neutral nation. ~ Stop the killing, Mr. Zelensky! Make Ukraine neutral, now!
Help the refugees Mr. Zelensky's war is producing!


  1. Note: It is entirely possible that Mr. Zelensky's wealth does not directly derive from present day profiteering from his current political office. All of it may come from his former job as a television celebrity, as its title said, being: "servant of the people", or other sources not related to his current job. He may indeed be doing it all for the thrill of political power, or even really due to selfless religious (aka: "patriotic") evangelism.
  2. +2022.06.29 note: I am pleased with myself this new day. In my daily message on The Whita House website, I cited America's destroying a village in Vietnam to save it, again repeated Henry Kissinger's opinion that to not yield to Mr. Putin's aggression in Ukraine is insanity, again repeated Pope Francis's plea for peace. But then I had some characters left over and I ended my message with: "I yield the space remaining in this message box on The White House website to God." I like my rhetoric this new day. Would that I had not had occasion to think it up.
  3. I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) wrote story no later than 12 May 2022, but after 3 May.
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