In The Village.... Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, TV Commando Z: Servant of the people. Z

Still more Zelensky communications: His war goes on....

A black hole: It sucks everything in and outputs only escalation of anti-Putin war. ~ What a piece of shit. Each day I challenge myself to write something to try to get through their thick heads that is no more than 2,007 characters long.

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+2022.09.21. Once again repeated comment about White House website, last sent to The Wihite House +2022.08.11.

When I submit a comment on this website, the only response I get back is something like "Thank you" . What is needed is for the confrmation message to echo: (1) all the header information (name, etc.) and (2) the full text that the user submitted. That would assure the user both that what they intended to send was received but also that the user themself actually sent what they intended to send. This is especially important for a citizen such as myself who has a disability, OCD (Obsessive Compuisive Disorder), so that I worry myself about what did I send and did I send anything or not. The confirmation message needs to assure the sender both that (1) they did what they intended to do and (2) what text the White House received. This is basic good user interface etiquette. Few websites do it but you can set a high standard and provide a good model for others to follow.. I worked for 40+ years in computer user interface design and would be pleased to consult with you to provide design guidance for your website.

+2022.10.13. New comment about White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"; this message sent in conjunction with text message: here), ca. 02:00:

You appear to have made a change to your website "Contact us" which has a problem. Previous to yesterday, one could submit as many characters in the message box as would fit, somewhere around 2,010 characters. The user can still enter this many characters. But there is now a check for a maximum of 2,000 characters and the user gets an uninformative error message if they go over 2,000 in the mesage box: "THERE WAS AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR SUBMISSION." This is a bug. You need to at a minimum correct the message. There has been no error in processing, just a user volation of a rule. Better, prevent the user from entering more than exactly 2,000 characters in the message box. This would be like it used to be, just with a slightly shorter maimum message length. Why are you making the maximum message length shorter anyway? You should make it longer. Thoughtful discourse is not necessarily abbreviated. However you choose to deal with this problem which you have introduced, it is a bug you should fix. I can help you further if this problem report is not sufficient:

+2022.10.16. New comment about White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"; this message sent in conjunction with text message: here), ca. 13:20:

This is extremely distressing. I tried to send a message and clicking the SEND button was doing nothing. So I restarted my computer and then reentered my information and hastened to try to send it again. This time it appears it worked. But I was so anxious that now that I'm not sure I sent my intended text. You made changes to your website last week, including introducing a bug if the user types in over 2,000 characters of text; they now get a misleading error message that the computer had a problem, not that they entered too much text. So while you were changing things, why did you not IMPROVE them? It is really important for you to echo back to the user the text of the mesage you receive so the user can be confident of what they sent. "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!" is not informative. I have OCD (Obsesive Compulsive Disorcer) which makes me hyper-oriented toward details and always being afraid I missed something and I want to retry things over and over.... I need confirmation that I really did what I wanted to do. This is a persons with disabilities accommodation which should not be difficult to fix. It is also just plain decent website etiquette for the benefit of all users. You need to echo back to the user the message you receive. So I will summarize I thought I sent: Our President and administration should listen to and carefully study Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs's recent interview: Pleaae pass this on in case I did not really send it because I am not sure what I accomplished in trying to send my message. I would be pleased to be of further help to you: / Thank you.

+2022.09.21. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 23:00:

Dr. Putin has echoed what you said back in March, Mr. President, when you went off script in a Press Conference in an immature emotional meltdown and vented your personal animosity about him. But you are not a person: you are the Commander in Chief of America's nuclear arsenal. Your Secretary of Defense Austin added that our goal was to weaken Russia's military so it cannot cause any more trouble (his word: "aggression"). Dr Putin has said the West's goal is to "weaken, divide and eventually destroy" Russia. He accused the United States and Europe of engaging in "nuclear blackmail" but warned that Russia has "lots of weapons" in response. (NYT) Mr. Biden! By your policy of escalation of Mr. Zelensky's war in Ukraine, you have set in motion a DEATH SPIRAL, leading to nuclear apocalypse which will have no winners but many losers. All because you refuse to face the reality that NATO in Ukraine in 2021 was an exact analogy of Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962, except that today you are in Mr Khrushchev's place and Dr. Putin in John Kennedy's. NATO in Ukraine was a RED LINE for Russia like Soviet missiles in Cuba were a RED LINE for us. In 1962, Mr. Khrushchev backed down; nuclear war was averted. You are recklessly pressing ahead, under the cover of that television actor in a green t-shirt costume playing his sob story role of beleaguered freedom fighter, when he's just producing the newest and most successful season yet of his misnamed tv show: "Servant of the people". Mr. Zelensky was the most dangerous person in the world for trying to sucker everybody into his selfish war. Now that you have become that war's champion, you have become the most dangerous, by enabling it. You are a threat to humanity, Mr. President. You need to stop yourself because apparently there is no Higher Power to stop you. Suffering humanity begs for an unconditional cease-fire in Ukraine! Make that sad country NEUTRAL and peaceful for *all* its ethnically divided and divisive people, Sir!

+2022.09.22. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 22:35:

Mr. President! The war in Ukraine is not for freedom. It's a squbble over American market share versus Russian market share. Whoever wins, Ukrainians will remain employees who rent out their souls and bodies (hourly wage), not just market the products of their labor as do independent craftspersons. Our greatest President, Abraham LIncoln, saw wage-labor as differing from slavery in being a temporary not a permanent condition. In Ukraine, in 1921, there was an uprising for material democracy: worker ownership and self-management of the means of production: The Krohstadt sailors' rebellion: worker cooperatives (aka: "soviets"). No bosses. No persons renting out their souls and bodies (aka employees aka wage-slaves). We even have a few of these here in America: The medical group where I am a patient and is now part of a soulless corporation was for many years cooperatively owned by the doctors. If you really are for freedom, Mr. President, you will stop abetting internecine bickering between Putin capitalism and Zelensky (actually: USA, because TV commando Z is just our proxy...) capitalism in Ukraine, and turn your attention to the renters of wage-slaves here in America, starting with our Silicon Valley oligarchs, our kleptocrats of the Internet, like the Russian oligarchs were kleptocrats of Soviet industrial enterprises in the 1990s. Do not say you are for freedom when what you mean is you for what Abraham Lincoln called: wage-slavery, Sir! "All power to the sailors' and workers soviets!" "Soviet" here, of course, had nothing to do with the former "Soviet Union"; it just meant: workers councils. There has never been an authentic communist country on earth because communism depends of advanced automation technology to free all persons from the Abrahamic Deity's curse on Adam. This has only recently first become practicable here in U.S.A. but we are mis-using it for other purposes than workers' liberation. Freedom! Oh, freedom, Mr. President!

+2022.09.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 12:45:

The fog of propaganda between a citizen and what is actually happening in Ukraine seems impenetrable. Hypothesis: The 2022 Ukraine war is the new season of the misnamed "Servant of the people" television show. Ukraine itself is the production crew's stage set and the Ukraine military are extras. Perhaps Pope Francis was speaking of this in his wisdom when he said something, or maybe he spoke even more than he knew: "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined...." You, Mr. President, appear to be playing an important role: Mr. Zelensky's cast of thousands, the Ukrainian soldiers, are your proxy army to overthrow Dr. Putin's government. Besides ethnic cleansing of "separatists" in the Donbas, the Zelensky production team is thrilled to be able to assign them the role of killing Russians due to your generous sponsorship of the show. Each side gains from the other. But this is a script which may get out of hand, because Dr. Putin has not signed up for his role as the bad guy who loses. The Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, Kirill, has "described the conflict as having 'metaphysical significance'". This tv program rests on a base in atomic physics. Wake up, Mr. President, and face realpolitik: NATO in Ukraine is a RED LINE for Russia like Soviet missiles in Cuba were in 1962 for USA. Will you, like Mr. Khrushchev in 1962, back down and avert nuclear war or will a curtain of radioactive fallout come down on all of us in the unwilling audience who cannot walk out on this show which needs to go off the air before it causes us to self-destruct? ---- In a 19 May 2022 New York Times picture, entangled in snakelike arrows, your head bowed down, you appeared to be in over your head. We'll all have to duck and cover, Mr. President.

+2022.09.26. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 22:35:

"You can easily produce a situation where there is no good outcome." (Dr. Jordan Peterson) That is what you, Mr. President, are doing in Ukraine. Until our insulting refusal to respond in good faith to Russia's final plea to us last December that NATO in Ukraine was a RED LINE, like Soviet missiles in Cuba were for us in 1962, you could have averted the terrible mess we are in today. You could have made it clear to the Zelensky regime that Ukraine would not be admitted to NATO, and that it would get no more U.S. support for its war against Ukraine's own citizens in the Donbas. You could have raised America above the fray, to be The Great Mediator, and organized 3-way negotiations to address the two problems: (1) Ukrainians in the Donbas who did not like the Zelensky regime, and (2) Russia not accepting being encircled by adversary countries on its Western border due to us having reneged on our promise to Mr. Gorbachev to not push NATO east of Germany. Ukraine was not a united people. We could have pressed Mr. Zelensky to let the pro-Rusian provinces secede if that is what their people wanted. There would have been no war nor any of the collateral damage it has caused to the rest of the world. Now we have poisoned the opinion of the people in the Donbas to be inreasingly anti-Russina by making life ever more miserable for them. Any referendum now will be a sham. A referendum in December would have been more meaningful. An open border for anyone who does not like the Zelensky regime to be free to leave with their asssets will still be a good policy. You have created a situation where there is one possible good solution: Challenge Dr. Putin to mutually respectful cooperation. To your personal disappointment, since you dislike that man, he just might accept. Your personal feelings do not matter. You need to grow up, and become a statesman not a hothead, Mr. President. "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests." (Henry Kissinger)

+2022.09.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 23:45:

The New York Times says young Russian men are leaving to avoid Dr. Putin's conscription for his side of the Ukraine war. Our media seem pleased about this. This is good example of how our foreign policy is wrong-headed. If you imposed conscription here in Ths United States (like we had for Vietman), would The Times be gleeful about young American men leaving the country to avoid military service on our side? Not likely. Shouldn't we condemn the men leaving Russia, or, alternatively, applaud American "draft evaders", too? We are being ASYMMETRICAL. We do not put ourselves imaginatively in our adversaries' shoes and reflect that they believe they are right just like we do, and that if we want to defeat them, that's as jingoistic as them wanting to defeat us. "A liberal is a man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel." (Robert Frost, cited by Barak Obama) Our foreign policy needs to become liberal and SYMMETRICAL. We need to treat our adversaries with empathic (not necssarily sympathetic!) respect and understanding, and expect the same from them. We need to respect their RED LINES, and for them to respect ours. But we need to draw realistic RED LINES not hothead aggressive lines in the sand that encircle our adversaries to strangle them. As Dr. Putin has urged: We need to stop bullying other countries as a would-be unipolar hegemon and live as a peer in a multi-polar world. Let our light so shine before men.... We need to be a rational adult not a greedy toddler on the international stage. Stop looking to pick fights with others, and get our own house in order. As a parent will tell a selfish child: "It's not all about you." History is not all about The United States of America. We are not God's gift to everybody else. We need to take a seat at the one and only table: the earth, and show good manners to all the other guests. And wash our own dishes. Stop our aggressive, barbaric bickering in Ukraine, Mr. President! We should mediate there!

+2022.09.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 02:50 (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"[1]):

There are other ways to relate to our adversaries than piling up corpses. Our CIA engaged with the Soviet Union in ways that did not entail mass bloodbaths: war of minds not howitzers. Let's have a new Cold War and with it a safer and more prosperous world than the present wretched Zelensky potlatch which is wrecking everything, including devastating developing world countries' economies and leading to nuclear armageddon. Ukraine was a contentious place. Two opposed factions, one pro-West, the other pro-Russia. We have supported ethnic cleansing of the pro-Russians. Instead we could have pressured Mr. Zelensky and his tv production crew to build an inclusive country in which those people who are pro-Russian would have freedom even to secede if they wished and nobody shot at. If Mr. Zelensky protested that would deprive him of the profits from his internal Donbas colony, you could have reassured him the USA would subsidize his regime, like the USSR propped up Castro's Cuba. The Ukrainian people need elevate themselves to universal values and overcome their ethnic prejudices. Until then, hopefully with a new generation in schools that will teach The United Nations, everybody needs to learn to live and let live. All the men need to get on with drinking beer together. Instead we are letting this television actor whose role has gone to his head demonize Dr. Putin for doing bad things he provoked him to do by crossing Russia's RED LINE since at least 2008: no NATO in Ukraine. Mr. Zelensky and his soulness military mastermind Alexey Arestovich know what they have done. Since 2019 they callously plotted this war: Pope Francis: "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." The Ukraine disaster would have been averted had we negotated in good faith with Russia. Start now, Mr. President!

+2022.09.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 08:30:

"In his speech to parliament on September 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to declare the inclusion of the seized territories of Ukraine into the Russian Federation, the British Ministry of Defence warned on Tuesday." (WION) Mr. President, if this happens do not make some foolish hotheaded response that will just cause more trouble. We caused this mess by reneging on our promise to Mr. Gorbachev when the Soviet Union dissolved, to not push NATO east of Germany. Had we kept our word, Dr. Putin would never have attacked Ukraine because Ukraine would be peacefully NEUTRAL. On September 21, Dr. Putin said something which arouses grave concern about what your administration feeds us about this war: "This is what I would like to make public for the first time today. After the start of the special military operation, in particular after the Istanbul talks, Kiev representatives voiced quite a positive response to our proposals. These proposals concerned above all ensuring Russia's security and interests. But a peaceful settlement obviously did not suit the West, which is why, after certain compromises were coordinated, Kiev was actually ordered to wreck all these agreements." If Dr. Putin was not cooking this up, then the situation is worse than we thought: Mr. Zelensky may not just be using us to finance his own selfish political agenda but we have egged him on to do even worse than he would have done all by himself, which was bad enough. None of this will matter if you engage with Dr. Putin in good faith negotiations to end this mess for which both sides may share the blame. "A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied" (Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm") For the sake of humanity, Mr. President, make a good compromise in Ukraine. Stop this totally unnecessary war from continuing down its long road of disaster which ends in nuclear apocalypse.

+2022.09.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, this time to The Office of the Vice President (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 04:00:

Gaffe: "So the United States shares a very important relationship which is an alliance with the Repubic of North Korea...." Unlikely, at least if the propaganda we hear about that country is true. But far better an innocent gaffe in favor of one of America's adversaries, than what your adminstration is more prone to do: to gratuitously offend our adversaries, most recently Ms. Pelosi's PR stunt going to Taiwan to effectively moon Mr. Xi. About the only thing she did not do was take down her underpants and fart in his face. Everybody knows the Chinese, unlike, for instance, Dr Putin, are extremely sensitive to "face". The Chinese had explicitly asked us not to do this provocation. Why cannot your administration let sleeping international sore spots lie? Mr. Biden's massive military welfare to the Zelensky regime in Kiev continues to escalate toward a major land war with nuclear weapons in Europe which may end up as global thermonuclear apocalypse (WWIII). Why is America not The Great Mediator, rising high above other nations' petty bellicose squabbles, instead of descending to be a partisan in them? Hopefully you invited Mr. Kim to mutually respectful negotiations. "A liberal is a man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel." (Robert Frost, cited by Barak Obama) "A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied" (Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm") Can we hope, going forward, to an end to hotheaded rhetoric by our high government officials, and a turn to statesmanship? Can we look forward to an end of that for which Dr. Putin recently called us to account (apart from any things he needs to clean up in his own house): To stop bullying other countries as a would-be unipolar hegemon and live as a peer in a multi-polar world? Let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works....

+2022.09.30 Friday: "After Moscow annexed four Ukrainian territories, President Joe Biden on Friday (September 30) said that the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will not be intimidated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Biden also warned that the Western alliance would defend 'every inch' of its territory. He said that Putin's irresponsible language and threats won't scare the US or its allies. 'We will defend our land with all our strength and all our means,' [Putin] said." (WION)

+2022.10.02. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 12:35:

"After Moscow annexed four Ukrainian territories, President Joe Biden... September 30... said that the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will not be intimidated by Russian President Vladimir Putin..... Biden also warned that the Western alliance would defend 'every inch' of its territory. He said that Putin's irresponsible language and threats won't scare the US or its allies." (WION) Mr. President, You were blustering, but probably not bluffing. You seem immature and irresponsible enough to do something foolish, like the pubescent male jocks in my prep school got drunk on "school spirit" and smashed other kids' faces with lacrosse sticks to win shiny plated varsity team trophy cups. We'd love to get the Zelensky regime into NATO as fast as possible so that if the Russians dare touch it we can invoke the mutual defense provision that an attack on one is an attack on all, which we can't do yet until Ukraine gets into The NATO we have kept expanding to strangle Russia ever since The Prodigal Son (George W. Bush) years, in direct abnegation of the promise we made to Mr. Gorbachev in the early 1990s that we would not push NATO east of Germany. The United States of America does not keep its word; Dr. Putin is trying to call us to account. You are leading us to nuclear apocalypse. You and your administration seem deaf to reason. Good faith negotiations with Russia last December would have prevented all this mess. You have a good heart but are you are in over your head like the editorial picture in May 19 New York Times: your head bowed, entangled in large Ukraine flag color snake-like arrows. As often in life, the road to hell is paved with good intentions: You, Mr. President, keep pressing the pedal to the metal. Stop the foolishness. Be a statesman. Enter into good faith negotiations with Dr. Putin, now, before we cause World War III by our petty partisan "school spirit" (aka "patriotic") support of actor Zelensky's reality tv show war!

+2022.10.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:30:

With all the frenzy of the terrible escalation in Ukraine, Mr. President, it is easy to forget that the single most important thing is to stop the shooting: to implement an immediate unconditional cease-fire: End the slaughter, stop the continuing damage to all nations' economies especially in the developing world, and avert the risk of it escalating into nuclear apocalypse! Pope Francis urged: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." New York Times OpEd May 31, Christpopher Calldwell: Mr. [Henry] Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. [Henri] Guaino.... "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity." Stop the insanity! Enter into good faith negotiations with the Russians, now, Mr. President. Maybe we have bigger fists so we can crush them, but we could be be bigger persons and show them respect as a model for them to live up to. Mr. Zelensky has a lovely 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy which would be a fine setting for settling this matter: making Ukraine NEUTRAL, and then us and the Russians joining together to build back for all the people in that sad country better. We need to provide billions of dollars for humanitarian aid to the victims of this war. But not one cent for more weapons that would only make even more victims of it!

+2022.10.04. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:50:

Advice for you and your administration, Mr. President, from a former U.S. intelligence officer: When I was a Soviet analyst for the intel community back in the late 1970s / 80s, US policy toward the USSR was informed by one overarching principle: Soviet perceptions of their own security environment, needs and realities were AS VALID to Kremlin policymakers as American perceptions of OUR own security environment, needs and realities were to policymakers in Washington DC. This was NOT about appeasing or coddling the Soviets. Rather, it was about maintaining consistent and stable relations with a potentially dangerous nuclear power. We were able to compete with the Soviets politically while avoiding direct confrontation. Hence, the name "Cold War." The reason that the US today is locked into a potentially dangerous confrontation with Moscow is that both the intel community and State Department are populated largely by 20- and 30-somethings who were not alive when the Berlin Wall fell. Let's not forget that Antony Blinken, on December 21, said in a State Department interview that "spheres of influence" should be "relegated to the dustbin of history" – an assertion that is contrary to the dynamic inherent in all geopolitics (link to interview below). The Russians pay close attention to statements by high level US officials, and almost certainly interpreted Blinken's ridiculous quip as the slap in the face that it was intended to be. Not too clever for the nation's "top diplomat." ( ---- You and your administration need to learn from history to stop the ever worsening catastrophe your current ignorance of history is causing with your mishandling the Ukraine situation and, next, potentially, even worse, with China, too. Or, God help us, Mr. President, do you and your administration know the history and you are cynically implementing foreign policy you know to be ill advised?

+2022.10.06. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"; I also posted a user response on the "Servant of the people" website), 03:10:

Example what some people in other democratic countries think of us: When are we going to grow up and stop trying to bully other countries? We caused the brutal mess in Ukraine by pushing NATO east of Germany, after we promised Mr. Gorbachev in 1990 we wouldn't. We reneged on our word. Let's show the world we are big enough to own up to our mistakes, and to remediate them. We say we are for "diversity". But not in foreign affairs. Dr. Putin believes in Russia just like we believe in America. By our economic and proxy war to overthrow Dr. Putin's government we have brought out the worst in him. Russia has since the 1990s no longer been "communist"; It is a capitalist country just like us. The Russian people did not have it so bad before we tried to corner Dr. Putin. We are not helping make the Russian people freer or more prosperous by our draconian sanctions which we keep pressuring other countries to go along with, instead of urging them to judge for themeslves and to support what is good even when it is against our policies when our policies are ill advised. We are fighting for the Russian people's freedom by making them less free. We are helping the Russian people by hurting them. If Dr. Putin's recent claim is true that the Zelensky regime was showing signs of willingness to negotiate Russian security but we pressured them not to, that is unconsciounable. With its neo-Nazi AZOV batallion and oppressian of its own people in the Donbas and who knows what other scheming and corruption the Zelensky regime is bad enough without us making it even worse. If we are for freedom in Ukraine we need to make that sad country NEUTRAL so that it can build back better in peace and prosperity. Stop being a hothead flag-waver, Mr. President. Be a statesmsn: "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests." (Henry Kissinger) Priority #1: Ukraine immedate permanent cease-fire!

+2022.10.07. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:50:

Mr. President: "NOWAR – STOP THE WAR! NO TO WAR! – AMERICANS A9AINST WAR" --Reference to Marina Ovsyannikova's protest in March during a live newscast on Russia Channel One against their side of this entirely unneceesary, horrific war in Ukraine. Our side is wrong, too, for causing the war by having reneged on our pledge to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990 that we would not push NATO east of Germany. The Zelensky regime in Kiev planned since 2019 to cause the war by pushing for Ukraine in NATO. They knew with "99% certainty" this would trigger a major war with Russia, but they heartlessly, cynically, did it anyway, without regard to the suffering it would cause to their own people and everybody else all around the world. Pope Francis: "For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Heed the cry of suffering humanity, Mr. President! Turn off the weapons welfare spigot which alone enables Mr. Zelensky to keep up his selfish war which is holding us all hostage to the Russian response to his provocations. Don't let us all get killed just because a comedian who is not funny wants to advance his reality television show's ratings at the expense of real humanity. Make America be The Great Mediator of this insane war which threatens to explode into nuclear apocalypse! Let us bring the two bickering sides to the conference table, make Ukraine peaceful and NEUTRAL, and save humanity!
And to the website of "Servant of the People" (Response:"Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."):
You know what troubles your wilful choice to instigate the current war have caused and continue to cause us all. You know the evil you have perpetrated and continue to do. "99% certainty." You have not escaped judgment. You may yet continue to evade justice and to harm us all.

+2022.10.07. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 05:05:

This is amazing and appalling: "President Biden delivered a striking warning on Thursday night that recent threats from President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia could devolve into a nuclear conflict, telling supporters at a fund-raiser in New York City that the risk of atomic war had not been so high since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.... What is Putin's off ramp?" (NYT) So you and your adminstration know about the Cuban Missile Crisis? Do you not see that you are in Mr. Khrushchev's role and Dr. Putin is in John Kennedy's role? We are placing NATO on Russia's doorstep like the Soviet Union was placing missiles on our doorstep. What is wrong that you have the lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis 180 degrees backward? Mr. Khrushchev backed off and nuclear was averted in 1962. You, Mr. President, need to back off to prevent nuclear war today! The Soviet Union caused the Cuban Missile Crisis. The United Staes of America is causing the Ukraine NATO Crisis. (We promised Russia in the 1990s we would not push NATO east of Germany but we reneged, we went back on our word!) Mr. Khrushchev backed off before it was too late for our parents in 1962. You need to back off before it is too late for us today, Mr. President!

[>]+2022.10.08. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: [lost]), 18:10:

Never before "Servant of the people" was there a "reality TV" show that threatened to destroy the real world. You have snagged the biggest advertising sponsor ever: The United States government. President Biden has embraced your TV Commando Z PR sob story. The only reason you are on air is that The United States did not keep its word which it gave to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990, that NATO would not go east of Germany. U.S. Presidents, starting with Messrs. Clinton and Bush II, reneged; consequently we have your tv show production company regime in Kiev today, making hay while the sun shines. Even if Mr. Zelensky, starring as: "Man of Hate and Sycophancy" (like Joseph Stalin was: "Man of Steel") finds Monty Python hard to understand, please do the right thing for humanity: Declare an unconditional in-place cease-fire, and negotiate NEUTRALITY for Ukraine with your unwilling co-star, Dr. Putin ("The Enemy")! Then take a long vacation in your lovely 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy. Thank you.

+2022.10.09. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 13:25:

On the website of Mr. Zelensky's misnamed TV show "Servant of the people", one can submit user comments; I sent them (or at least I hope I did, since it was no echoed back): "You know what troubles your wilful choice to instigate the current war have caused and continue to cause us all. You know the evil you have perpetrated and continue to do. '99% certainty.' You have not escaped judgment. You may yet continue to evade justice and to harm us all." ---- You, Mr. President, curse Dr. Putin. You insult him. You tell him he is evil and that somebody should overthrow his government. What do we expect when we treat a person a certain way? They become what we treat them like. Instead you should show Dr. Putin respect to set an example of decency for him to live up to (especially since he has a PhD!). People become what we treat them like. ---- Prime Minister of the democratic nation of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, has offered to mediate peace in Ukraine. You, Mr. President need to propose binding arbitration between yourself, Dr. Putin, and the comedian in the green t-shirt who is not funny, Mr. Zelensky, with Prime Minister Modi as honest broker. Let him decide an equitable disposition of this wretched mess which keeps killng persons, devastating property, harming 3rd countries' economies, and impends escalating into nuclear holocaust. All this disaster is due to your predecessors having reneged on our promise to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990 to not push NATO east of Germany. Aren't we ashamed of ourselves for not honoring our word, for not deserving other nations' trust? You need to fix that, Sir! Press for a truce and binding arbitration in Ukraine! Accept India Prime Minister Modi's offer to mediate this terrible situation. In 1962, Mr. Khrushchev backed off, pulled his missiles out of Cuba, and averted nuclear war. In 2022, Mr. President, you must back off, pull our NATO out of Ukraine, and avert nuclear war again.

[<|>]+2022.10.10. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 11:45:

For the sake of humanity, Mr. Zelensky, stop your war before it kills us all! You caused it (see below); you need to stop it. Put the fate of mankind and all the higher animals, who also all will die along with the rest of us, when this mess turns into nuclear armageddon, above your political agenda. For the sake of humanity, Mr. Zelensky, stop your war!

+2022.10.10. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 12:35:

For the sake of humanity and the higher animals who all will die along with the rest of us when this war goes nuclear, do not respond with force to the recent Russian srikes in retaliation for the Crimea bridge fire! Do not further escalate this war! Demand an immediate in-place unconditional cease-fire now, without regard for who is "winning" or "losing" what! Do not be a hothead, Mr. President! Save life on earth! Stop this insane war! Stop this insane war!

+2022.10.10. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:20:

We created Dr. Putin's government and the ugly war he is fighting in Ukraine. Watch the Youtube video by Russian public intellectual, Vladimir Pozner: "How the United States created Vlaimir Putin"! At the end of the Cold War, we callously let Russia devolve into kleptocratic anarchy and "Shock therapy" capitalism instead of implementing a Marshall Plan. It would have cost much than this insane war today, but some people here were like the victors of World War I: Myopically vengeful. Their folly in 1919 gave us Adolf Hitler. Our folly since 1990 has given us Vladimir Putin. Faced with the forced choice between carpetbagger chaos and a strong man, the Russian people chose the least worst alternative. If we had implemented a Marshall Plan for Russia, that country would be a liberal democracy today like France or Germany, so no war with another liberal democracy in Ukraine. Starting in 1990, we promised the Russians that we would not push NATO east of Germany. We reneged. We went back on our word and country by country have constructed a NATO wall of encirclement around Russia's western border. This is why we have the entirely unnecessary and disastrous war in Ukraine today. NATO in Ukraine was Russia's RED LINE, like Mr. Khrushchev's missiles in Cuba in 1962 was for us. Back around 2000, DR. PUTIN WANTED TO JOIN NATO, but we ignored him and so a would-be friend became a for-real adversary. Mr. President, we are reaping what we sowed. You need to fix this mess we have caused. First turn off the weapons welfare spigot to the Zelensky regime in Kiev and press that television actor in the green t-shirt costume to negotiate NEUTRALITY for Ukraine. You want to win the current war? You mean you want to make might not right prevail? When you succeed in provoking Dr. Putin to use nuclear weapons, then nobody will win except those species most able to withstand ionizing radiation: grasses and cockroaches. Providing Mr. Zelensky weapons is digging our graves.

[<|>]+2022.10.11. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 00:15:

Mr. Zelensky, you are destroying the world. You and your tv production crew are soullessly, coldly, callously subjecting all the world's people to the entirely unnecessary horror of your still unfolding and ever escalating Donbas war and NATO fetish. Pope Francis urged now some months ago: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." You are a mass murderer who is getting away with it. I would say "Damn you!" but you are already damning us all. Please either shape up and negotiate NEUTRALITY with Russia, or kindly go into exile in your villa in Tuscany Italy! You have already caused more harm than anybody else in the whole world since VE Day. There seems to be no way of stopping the harm you continue to do. Shame on you! But especially shame on Mr. Arestovich who appears to be the real brains behind the green t-shirt costume. And stop blaming Dr. Putin for your war! You caused it by provoking him, so you stop it! You can help Ukraine by stopping your war and negotiating NEUTRALITY, now!

+2022.10.11. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, 22:35: This is complicated. I tried to send a message, and 3 times I got this response: "THERE WAS AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR SUBMISSION." I restarted my computer and resubmitted my posting. This time it suceeded and I got the response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!" But in the resubmission, I forgot/omitted the last paragraph, so I sent another message immediately, with tht last paragraph, for which I also got the response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!" I think I have figured out the problem: Apparently the White House website has been changed so that a posting can be no longer than 2000 charaters but the message box allows a longer message (in past all my messages almost without exception had been over 2000 chracters long, and my new message on this nite was over 2000 chraracters, too: But the website did not tell me this. (There is a small HTML title tag popup which says: "Maximum 2000 characters", even when you have not yet typed 2000 charccters.) Here are my TWO messages which apparently both got successfully sent:

**** Message 1: ****

2 Messages I posted on Mr. Zelensky's "Servant of the people" website: (1) For the sake of humanity, Mr. Zelensky, stop your war before it kills us all! You caused it...; you need to stop it. Put the fate of mankind and all the higher animals, who also all will die along with the rest of us, when this mess turns into nuclear armageddon, above your political agenda. For the sake of humanity, Mr. Zelensky, stop your war! (2) Mr. Zelensky, you are destroying the world. You and your tv production crew are soullessly, callously subjecting all the world's people to the entirely unnecessary horror of your still unfolding and ever escalating Donbas war and NATO fetish. Pope Francis urged.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." You are a mass murderer who is getting away with it. I would say "Damn you!" but you are already damning us all. Please either shape up and negotiate NEUTRALITY with Russia, or kindly go into exile in your villa in Tuscany Italy! You have already caused more harm than anybody else in the world since VE Day.... There seems no way of stopping the harm you continue to do. Shame on you! Especially shame on Mr. Arestovich who appears to be the real brains behind the green t-shirt costume. Stop blaming Dr. Putin for your war! You caused it by provoking him, so you stop it! You can help Ukraine by stopping your war and negotiating NEUTRALITY, now!

**** Message 2: ****

I submitted a message to you a couple minutes ago, quoting two messages I sent to Mr. Zelensky's "Servant of the people" website, telling him to stop his war. The first three times I tried to send the mesage, I got th reaponse: "THERE WAS AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR SUBMISSION." I restarted my computer and tried again and my message succeeded: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!" But I was so upset and troubled by this war that in resubmitting my message I forgot the most important part, the last paragraph. So here it is: "Stop being a hothead, Mr. President! Stop abetting Mr. Zelensky's side of this insane war! Mediate peace!"

[<|>]+2022.10.12. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 13:45:

I was awakened last night by a bad dream. I must have been back in school and assigned to write an essay about this Ukraine war. I was writing how, on one side, Messrs. Biden and Zelensky were threatening Dr. Putin with nuclear weapons. On the other side Dr. Putin was threatening Messrs. Biden and Zelensky with nuclear weapons. I woke up. The nuclear weapons had all detonated (I had no idea exactly how this happened). Everybody on earth – all 7.98 billion of us – had been killed. If anybody read my essay either there must be life after death, or else they were living on a different planet. Stop this insane war in Ukraine, everybody, before that dream comes true!

+2022.10.13. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"; this message sent in conjunction with problem report about change to website: here), 01:50:

Mr. President, you continue to be a hothead about Dr. Putin. You seem bewitched by the hack actor in the green t-shirt commando costume who is on the make to improve his reality television show's ratings (link below). According to the propaganda our media feeds us, Dr. Putin is doing bad things. Because we are doing bad things to him. Treat a person as a rabid animal and they will become what we treat them as. Treat a person, especially one who while he started off in life as a juvenile deiquesnt, bettered himself to get an earned doctorate, and he will become what we treaT him as. Mr. Biden, in your official position as President of The United States, even if not at home as a private citizen like the rest of us, get over your personal feelings about the world! As Henry Kissinger urged: America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests. Your hotheadedness. Mr. President, is going to get us all killed in a nuclear war with Russia, and if they indeed do prove to be a paper tiger (or a beaten bear), then, in your next war, with China: "The East is Red" (anthem of the Maoist Revolution). Get used to it, and treat Mr. Xi with respect, because even if Dr. Putin's nukes all turn out to be duds, Mr. Xi's likely will work. Stand up for America as primus inter pares: As an impeccably honorable nation, not a big bully. Mr. President, some people say you are too old for your job. I think it is not a matter of too many years but too little statesmanship. Call in a couple of your elders to help you grow up, Sir: Dr. Henry Kissinger and Prof. Noam Chomsky. You are not too old to learn, or too emotionally immature to get over the follies of youth, are you, Sir? America has no permanent friends or enemies, including Zelenskia (Ukraine) and Putainia (Russia), only interests (peace with free trade). Three real enemies: Global overheating, MAGAs, and Wokies. (Neither you smiling nor frowning helps!)

+2022.10.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:40:

Recently you said: "I'm not about to, nor is anyone else prepared to, negotiate with Russia about them staying in Ukraine, keeping any part of Ukraine, et cetera." Quoting from The New York Times, 31 May this year: Mr. Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. Guaino [on a certain point]. "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity.".... Henry Kissinger is no pacifist or friend of Russia, and he says it's better to make concessions than to be insane. You are not being insane, Mr. President: you are being a flag-waving hothead. You are not acknowledgeing what Pope Francis argued some months ago: "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined...." We promised the Russians in the 1990s that we would not push NATO east of Germany. We reneged. We went back on our word. NATO in Ukraine is an existential threat for Russia, just like Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962 were for us. John Kennedy threatened nuclear war if Mr. Khrushchev did not remove his missiles. Mr. Khrushchev got the message and removed his missiles form Cuba. You sir, need to get the message and remove our NATO from Ukraine. You want to overthrow the Russian government. You want to castrate the Russian military. You are being a hotheaded adventurist. This is not the Superbowl. It is not a time for team spirit. It's a time for realpolitik, and a time to save humanity from nuclear catastrophe. Stop feeding weapons to the comedian in the green t-shirt who is not funny. Press for a cease fire in Ukraine and for a negotiated settlement to the conflict which respects all the parties nvolved, including Russia. Also: Stop provoking Mr. Xi in China!

[<|>]+2022.10.14. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 01:50:

"Servant of the people" is something new and unique in the media word: a "reality TV" show that threatens to destroy the real world. You have the world's biggest richest advertising sponsor: The United States government. President Biden has embraced your TV Commando Z PR sob story for his own political purposes (or becus he is a simple-minded "patriot" like the 2-legged sheep you send to slaughter each day?). The only reason you are on air is that The United States did not keep its word to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990, that NATO would not go east of Germany. U.S. Presidents, starting with Dollar Bill (Clinton) and then, in earnest, The Prodigal Son (George W. Bush), reneged; consequently we have your televison production company in Kiev ruling a real country, today: Ukraine. Maybe you all were inspirted by "The Truman Show" movie? Mr. Zelensky, in your starring role as: "Man of Sycophancy and Hate" (like Joseph Stalin was "Man of Steel"), do the right thing for humanity: Declare an unconditional in-place cease-fire, and negotiate NEUTRALITY for Ukraine with your unwilling co-star, Dr. Vladimir Putin ("The Enemy")! Then take a long vacation in your 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy in the upscale neighborhood you share with other oligarchs. You must prevent your tv show from having as its final episode global thermonuclear apocalypse, Mr. Zelensky! Don't be a selfish little "prick", Sir!

+2022.10.14. I tried to send a message to Dr. Putin's website 03:00. I did not succeed. I kept getting an error about entering my name: it kept saying I was entering invalid charcters:

 "In the electronic form, provide your:

Surname *
Invalid characters
Name *
Invalid characters".

So I tried and apparently succeeded to send a message to their website team (Response: "Message successfully sent" or something similar because the response message quickly flashed on my screen). I included a screen shot of the message I failed to send: here. I do not know if I succeeded in anything, but I tried, Maybe the CIA and/or NSA and/or FBI noticed? [President Biden's remarks on freedom of expression: here and here and here.]

+2022.10.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 03:35:

I tried to send a message on Dr. Putin's website ("President of Russia"), imploring him to be a great statesman and stop the Ukraine war ("the Ukraine war", not his Ukraine war, because all of you: yourself, him and the comedian in the green t-shirt who is not funny, are jointly responsible for it!). I did not succeed due to an apparent error in that website. So maybe I did succeed in sending my message to the website's technical team, but I do not know if this succeeded. I tried. I keep trying to save humanity (and myself and my wife and daughter) from this war. Here is basically the message I tried to send: "I was awakened last night by a bad dream. "I must have been back in school and assigned to write an essay about this Ukraine war. "I was writing how, on one side, Messrs. Biden and Zelensky were threatening Dr. Putin with nuclear weapons. On the other side Dr. Putin was threatening Messrs. Biden and Zelensky with nuclear weapons. "I woke up. The nuclear weapons had all detonated (I had no idea exactly how this happened). Everybody on earth – all 7.98 billion of us – had been killed. If anybody read my essay either there must be life after death, or else they were living on a different planet. "Stop this insane war in Ukraine, everybody, before that dream comes true!" For the sake of humanity, Mr. President, stop the war in Ukraine for which yourself, Mr. Zelensky and Dr. Putin are jointly responsible. If any one of you mans up and stops fighting, this horror which impends to destroy all human and higher animal life on earth will end. You can save us all from death by cancer due to ionizing radiation from nuclear bomb fallout. Thank you in advance for doing so, Mr. President!

+2022.10.16. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!; this message sent in conjunction with problem report about bad website design issue: here), 12:55:

I was going to send "you", the Executive Branch of our government, another 2,000 characters of carefuly crafted argument why you need to stop abetting Mr. Zelensky's war in Ukraine, and why also you need to stop provoking Mr. Xi in China to stir up yet another unnecessary and insane war. But I can send that tomorrow. i just now came across an amazing interview with Prof. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University. It is much more lucid and comprehensive than I can write. It is much clearer and more comprehensive than everything I have heard from Profs. Chomsky and Mearsheimer and other apparently knowledgeable persons. It has the further important advantage of being first-hand authoritative, because Prof. Sachs says he has been a major player in the events, beginning all the way back back at the end of the Soviet Union in 1990. So I am just sending the URL for his interview, which speaks for itself (and for myself, too). It's about 35 minutes. Professor Sachs says in the interview that he tried to get your attention before it was too late to prevent the war, but you were not interested. So I expect I have not communicated clearly to you, either. So I will end with his ending words: "The voice of peace is the most important message right now, period. And we absolutely need to pull back from the precepice we are deliberately climbing towards right now." (Prof. Jeffrey Sachs)

Go to next page (#4) of Zelensky War commentsGo to next page (#4) of Zelensky War comments

+2022.10.16. Jesus fucking shit! I am so sick of all the petty people who just have always made my life miserable because they are petty people, starting here with Mr Byebye Biden and the Piece of scum in a green t-shi[r]t in Ukraine. I had trouble submitting a message to the White House website and then I tried to document it and this page is such a mess of HTML spaaghetti that I can't figure out my/the changes to reassure myself it's all correct here and that I have not screwed up. So I have started a new page of these anti-asshole user comments I keep writing to the assholes. The problems I suffered from having had to work with MediaWiki continue to persecute me. As Mary Trump said of her brother: Too much and never enough. Repeat: This is eatremely frustrating, painful and discouraging for me (BMcC[18-11-46-503]). I try to do things right; almost no body (no living soul...) and almost no thing helps ne. Damn them all.They are already damned but don't notice it but I notice they are damning me.

Your Comment on On a Corpse's Wrist, an Emblem of Ukrainian Fortitude
The New York Times <>
4:34 PM (1 hour ago) [+2022.09.23]
Your comment has been approved!
Bradford McCormick | New York
Cannot Mr. Zelensky see that his war to get Ukraine into NATO is costing far too much suffering to ever be worth it? We don't really know what is going on in Ukraine because of the fog of propaganda bu t even assuming the Russian behavior has been as bad as the Zelansky propaganda says it it, it is in response to his proovocation of ethinc cleansing of pro-Russina people in the Donbas and his cynical wra which he planned since 2019 to cross Russia's RED LINE and get Ukraine into NATO. If he stops his war, the Russian war crimes nd al lthe rest will stop, too. If he makes Ukraine NEUTRAL there will be peace for everyone in his sad country. Mr .Zelensky is using the Ukraining people as human hostages to be able wo whine about needing more weapons to fight the Russians who are fighting him because of his provocations against them. The United Staess caused this mess by George Bush pressing for Ukraine in NATO in 2008 and then us supporting an anti-Russian coup in Kiev in 2014. We need to stop causing trouble in that sad country, not keep whining about Russia's reactions to the trouble we have caused. Dr. Putin's government is not good but it would have stayed on his side of the Ukainian border had we not done to him what Mr. Khurshchev tried to do to us in 1962 by planting Soviet missiles in Cuba. He backed off and nuclear war wa averted. Mr .Biden needs to do likdwise in Ukraine today but he seems to be pigheaded unlike Mr .Khrushchev ultimately wasn't.
Reply   4 Recommend

Your recent Tweet has 42 views [+2022.09.29]
Bradford Robert McCormick
The U.S. government is playing nuclear chicken which may get us all killed. NATO in Ukraine today is the same as Soviet misslies in Cuba in 1962, just the roles reversed. We need to stop being partisan hotheads in this insanity, and grow up: We must stop this war and mediate it!
1:34 AM · Sep 27, 2022

Biden warns of nuclear 'Armageddon' after Putin's threats
Brad McCormick   October 07, 2022 at 05:53 AM

Mr. Biden and Cuban Mssile Crisis: This is appalling! Mr .Biden has the analogy 180 degrees bacwards: Mr. Khrushchev placed Soviet missiles on USA's doorstep and John Kennedy told him to remove then or else nuclear war. Mr. Biden today is placing NATO on Russia's doorstep and Dr. Putin wants him to take it away. In 1962, Mr. Khrushchev realized his folly in time, removed his missiles from Cuba and nuclear war wa averted. Mr. Biden needs to remove NATO from Russia's doorstep today to prevent nuclear war today! Dr. Joseph Goebbels famously said: If you tell people a lie often enough they will believe it. Thus what many people believe about the entirely unnecessary unfolding catastrophe in Ukraine today.
Reply 1 Upvote

Your Comment on Blast on Crimean Bridge Deals Blow to Russian War Effort in Ukraine
The New York Times <>
Sat, Oct 8, 11:13 PM (12 hours ago) [+2022.10.08]
Your comment has been approved!
Bradford McCormick | New York
@Brewster's Millions Just wait until this war come home to "the Land of the Free and the home of the brave" who caused it by us going back on our promise to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990 that we would not push NATO east of Germany. We did not keep our word. We reneged. We're the biggeest bully on the block, so just tough! We are reaping what we sowed and we are trying to get out of a situation which is out of control by flooring the accelerator. We haven't won yet? Send more weatons to escalate it further! If and when a mushroom cloud appears over New York city I may not survive to say: "I told you so!"

Your Comment on With Attacks on Ukraine, Putin Gives Hard-Liners What They Wanted (concerning explosion on Crimea bridge)
The New York Times <>
3:50 AM (1 hour ago) [+2022.10.11]
Your comment has been approved!
Bradford McCormick | New York
In response to:
Texas   6h ago
It is equally important to note what Putin had chosen not to do this time, a tactical nuclear strike.
Reply   9 Recommend
@Eric Just be patient and we will probably soon give him another chance, Sir.

LIVEBLOG: Putin seeking escalation with Ukraine missile blitz
Brad McCormick   October 10, 2022 at 11:26 AM

This was has got to be stopped before it kills us all in World War III. It should not matter who "wins" or "loses" what, so long as the war stops. I have never seen any human being so filled with venomous hate as Mr, Zelensky He is the most dangerous person on the planet and will do anything to advance his reality tv show for real. Somebody needs to stop before we all get illed by nuclear bomb blasts and the subsequent atomic winter of radioactive fallout where the only winners will be (to quote the title of an old essay in the New Yorker magazine about the aftermath of atomic war:) "a kingdom of grasses and cocroaches".

Your Comment on Supreme Court Rejects Trump Request to Intervene in Documents Case
The New York Times <>
11:13 AM (1 hour ago) [+2022.10.14]
Your comment has been approved!
Bradford McCormick | New York
This is all well and good. But is is also a distraction from the the overriding issue of th moment: To stop the Ukrane war before it stops everything, i.e., before it escalates to nuclear holocaust and puts an end to all human actions on earth, including those in favor of or opposing Mr. Trump and Mr. Trump himself and ourselves too. We are fiddling while Rome burns, or, more precisely our President Mr Joe Biden is pouring niew fuel o the fire each dan and aso pouring fuel on his next fire to light: War with Mr Xi's China. Mr. Turmp will die one day. Let us hope Mr. Biden's wars let us live long enough to see that day.
Reply   3 Recommend

+2024.02.19 v099
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  1. This is an example of how I keep trying to improve things: I have previously complained that The White House website does not properly confirm receipt of messages (here). But I was not making use of what they did provide to try to confirm that my submissions were being received. I am indeed not sure all of them were received because I seem to be missing some confirmation emails. So now I have made an improvement and am cut-and-pasting the "confirmation" text I am getting when I submit something. I am also sending user comments to Mr .Zelensky's "Servnt of the people" website, now. Most likely anything can be further improved on except maybe masterpiece craft objects.
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is evilThe most dangerous man alive
 Every night is Halloween,
      with TV Commando Z!
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[Mr. President: 37, Sir: 8.
Zelensky: 61. Putin: 64]