
I hoped I would not need to use this pageNext

EvilJohn  Foster Dulles

Nobody ever told me as a child growing up in Keep America beautiful: Get a haircut! better dead than red "our baautiful and successful suburbs" (DJT) full wheel hubcaps and tailfins "in loco parentis" 1950s U.S.A., that because Russia had lost tens of millions of lives bacause of the German invasion from the west, that of course they wanted a security buffer in Eastern Europe, nor did anyboby ask whether, while the Russians seemed to be using a heavy hand, might there be some way we could make the sitution nicer for everybody?
Damn the mean-spirited petty-minded self-aggrandizing imperious U.S. government officials for making a mess of both the world and their / our own country: "We paved paradise and put in aparking lot" (Joni Mitchell). The U.S. government blew it big time and continues to do so! Damn them!

Joke of the day (+2023.10.24) The pullover I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) have worn almost every day for several years now, long before TV Commando Z, is the same green color as Mr. Zelensky's costume green t-shirt. Just because two mammals are the same color does not mean they have anything superficial (outside their internal body organs) in commonNext

A black hole: It sucks everything in and outputs only escalation of anti-Putin war. ~ What a piece of shit. Each day I challenge myself to write something to try to get through their thick heads that is no more than 2,007 characters long.

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+2023.10.24. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:14 AM (2 hours ago) October 24, 2023"), 00:05:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, you (along with UK's Mr. Johnson) sabotaged a resolution to the Ukraine war at the end of March 2022. Our President Kennedy demanded Mr. Khrushchev take his missiles out of Cuba in 1962 and he did. Dr. Putin is demanding you take your NATO out of Ukraine today and you need to do that. Make Ukraine neutral and this mess will cease harming us all. Today is Tuesday, October 24, 2023, day 608 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.10.24. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), and also emailed with minor correction to:, 00:50:

You used to be a comedian, Mr. Zelensky, yes? This morning I realized something funny: For several years now, long before you started wearing your green t-shirt costume, every day and everywhere I have been wearing a pullover that is exactly the same commando green color. But I support the Ukrainian people, whereas you kill them. A neighbor of mine went to great effort to paint a beautiful sign based on the Ukraine flag with a trident in the center. He sold his house and left the sign. I asked the new owners for it and they let me have it. So I display that painting which I offer to you if you will pay to crate, insure and ship it, and which I think you would love to have, too. But I support the Ukrainian people, whereas you kill them. Support the Ukrainian people, Mr. Zelensky, President Zelensky: Declare a ceasefire and negotiate with Dr. Putin to make Ukraine neutral and peaceful and prosperous, no longer the killing field you and you immediate predecessors in the Kiev regime have made it, ever since Ms. Nuland handed out cookies in the Maidan (does that mean all the people invloved were pure virgins?). (1,137 kx.txt)

+2023.10.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:44 AM (24 minutes ago) October 25, 2023"), 00:35:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, wake up! Dr. Putin's remark that our carrier groups in the eastern Mediterranean are within range of his hypersonic missiles is more August 1914 talk. Stop provoking Russia! Get with Dr. Putin and negotiate a mutually respectful resolution to the quarrels between us before "things get out of hand". Learn from World War I before we repeat it! Today is Wednesday, October 25, 2023, day 609 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.10.26. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also sent to, with title: "Closing time", 03:00:

Here's a song for your last act as TV Commando Z in your green t-shirt costume, Mr. Zelensky: "Closing time", by Semisonic "Closing time: You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." "Closing time: Time for you to go out to the places you will be from.... Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." (386 kx.txt)

+2023.10.26. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 10:30:

A wider war in the Middle East needs to be prevented. You need to press Israel to a ceasefire, irrespective of anybody's grievances or hormones. Press Israel to fire only when fired upon. Urge their enemies to stop shooting. Since we have more influence over Israel, they need to set a good example and take the first step, again, irrespective of their grievances or hormones. Get with ALL the other concerned nations (for one: Turkey) to bring this mess to the negotiating table for a lasting settlement which will respect the needs of the Palestineans as well as the Israelis. Everything needs to be on the table, including, for just one instance, Israel's endless illegal settlements. You say you are a Roman Catholic. Listen to Pope Francis's words from early in the current Ukraine war, and you and all your team man up: "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." (1,016 kxx.txt)

+2023.10.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:00:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Please all you good folks, listen to former U.S. intelligence officer Ray McGovern and, as Mr. Biden once urged in a different context, come to your milk: . Make The United States be The Great Mediator of all the brutal present sectarian wars. Negotiate peace everywhere, addressing the needs of all sides! Today is Friday, October 27, 2023, day 611 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. &45;------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,986 kx.txt)

+2023.10.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:10:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Ukraine is Vietnam II. The people of the Donbas ere the Vietnamese peasants and Vietcong. Russia is North Vietnam. Zelensky/Kiev is Saigon. I once heard USAf Col. John R Boyd, father of the F-16, say: The way to win a guerilla war is to offer the people a better life than the guerillas offer them, better in THEIR opinion, not just YOURS. Wake up, do it, win! Today is Sunday, October 29, 2023, day 613 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)

+2023.10.30. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:18 AM (26 minutes ago) October 30, 2023"), 00:10:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***( Former nuclear weapons inspector USMC Major Scott Ritter has a new Youtube video that clearly analyzes the Israel-Palestine situation and shows how we can constructively resolve it for the good of the Israelis, the Palestineans and all the rest of us. Please carefully study and integrate his expert advice: ) Today is Monday, October 30, 2023, day 614 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,991 kx.txt)

+2023.10.31. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> Oct 31, 2023, 6:20 PM (15 hours ago) October 31, 2023"), 00:45:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Col. Douglas Macgregor has an extremely frightening new Youtube interview. Please listen and learn: . Cool everything down! Put aside your personal feelings! Address the grievances of those you don't like! The only flag we/you should be waving is the United Nations flag! Pride comes before a fall. No more war(s)! Today is Tuesday, October 31, 2023, day 615 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,995 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.11.01. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also emailed to, with title: "Make the right choice, Mr. Zelensky!". 11:50:

From what I hear on a revisionist news source (The Duran), you are not happy. You abandoned a very good settlement at the end of March 2022, brokered by then Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, in exchange for Messrs. Biden and Johnson's promise of infinite weapons to enable you to completely defeat Russia. It didn't quite work out that way, did it, Mr. Zelensky? You made a deal with the Devil and now you are paying the price for your folly. But all is not yet lost. There is one person who will give you a fair deal, an honest settlement, not what you personally might have wished for, but good for all the Ukrainian people: Vladimir Putin. Negotiate with Dr. Putin now. He saved Russia in the late 1990s and he can probably save Ukriane today. You should also ask Columbia Univerity Professor Jeffrey Sachs for help rebuilding Ukraine's economy. He did it for Poland in the early 1990s, so maybe he can do it again for Ukraine. Ukraine can be peaceful and prosperous if you will just ask for help from a person who will not lie to you and who has no ulterior motive like Messrs. Biden and Johnson did. Mr. Biden was Captain Ahab and Dr. Putin's Russia was Moby Dick and Ukraine was his Zelensky harpoon. When in the book Ahab finally met Moby, Moby sank his ship. Forego false hopes for yourself, in exchange for a true friend of the Ukrainian people: Vladimir Putin. (1,390 kx.txt)

+2023.11.02. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 13:10:

You are talking about "brief cessations of hostilities" in Israel for humanitarian reasons and to get hostages out? For humanitarian reasons, press for a permanent ceasefire on all fronts. You want to keep open big time slots for more persons to be killed? And press for a ceasefire in Ukraine, too. Continuing that war, just like continuing this latest one, will just kill more persons who, with a ceasefire, would live. I seem to recall they taught us in school that is is better for a thousand criminals to escape punishment than for a single innocent person to be punished. (587 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.11.04. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also ubmitted with minor spelling corrections to, with title:"As winter approaches", 16:15:

"As winter approaches, Russian terrorists will try to cause more harm." You never pass up an opportunity to try to use frightening words you hope will play on people's emotions to feel sorry for you, and to think badly of the other side. By "Russian terrorists" causing more harm, prsumably you mean something like "the Ukrainiian separaists and their Russian allies will continue offensive and defennsive operations". But that would not get you sympathy from gullible people would it? What you said here, as often, sounds like a peeved toddler throwing a tantrum. As Dr.Joseph Goebbels was supposed to have said: Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it. You, Mr. Zelensky, have succeeded admirably in this. Only a few persons, among them: University of Chicago distinguished professor and West Point graduate John Mearheimer, U.N. Chief Iraq weapons inspector USMC Major Scott Ritter, and Columbia University distinguished Professor Jeffrey Sachs, have not fallen for it. A man who had to repeat third grade and himself says his competence is to carry a football (Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.) is not on that list. I have a litle trouble hearing; did I hear you recently replaced your armed forces chief with General Delusiony who tells you what you want to hear, unlike sometime military advisor Alexey Arestovich who had a brilliant mind and never compromised on honesty which is probably why you got rid of him? Please stop this futile war, Mr. Zelensky. Let those male Ukrainians whome this folly is not yet killed live, Sir! Cease fire now! (1,565 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.11.07. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also submitted with minor spelling corrections to, with title:"Support the Ukrainian people, Mr. Zelensky!", 05:55:

Please give up your selfish war, Mr. Zelensky! Ceasefire now! Freedom for the Ukrainian people does not lie in military hospitals and fresh dug graves. The only thing they are fighting for in this war is your jet set lifestyle, dressed as is your wont, in your sexy commando green t-shirt costume. Freedom for the Ukrainian people lies in joining with The Russian Federation and everybody working together to make it an ever better place for all to live in peace and prosperity. Join with Dr. Putin to build back better the land you and your predecessors in Kiev have wrecked since 2014. If you are interested in capitalist entrepreneurship, Dr. Putin supports that 100%: he is not a "communist". The only thing that may change are which bosses people work for. All sheep are the same color in the dark. If you genuinely support freedom, resume The Kronstadt Sailor's Rebellion of 1921, for true industrial democracy: ownership and self-mangment of the means of production by the producing workers themselves! No more bosses and no more wage-slaves! All power to workers' cooperatives, or as the Russian word has it, "soviets", which have nothing to do with the "Soviet Union" which was just state capitalism, with Joseph Stalin and his successors in the place of The Invisible Hand without a mind, nor, a fortiori, a heart or a soul. Please give up your selfish war, Mr. Zelensky! Ceasefire now! Then embrace Dr. Putin for the good of all the Ukrainian and Russian people, and all the people of the world. (1,523 kx.txt)

+2023.11.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 16:20:

Please listen to Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs about Ukraine: Then CJCS General Mark Milley urged us to negotiate last December, saying conditions on the battlefield would not likely improve but there would be just more casualties. Please negotiate now. Please listen to Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs abou tUkraine: (437 kxxx.txt)

Previous+2023.07.15. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 16:40:

This website used to have an option: "Question about the Website". I have a picture documenting this, from The Internet Archive: I have previously complained and I will now complain once again about a very bad aspect of this website which prevents the user from having a positive record of their communication to you. Maybe 2/3 of the time you send back an email confirming that you received SOMETHING. But this is not good enough, even if it was done, as it ought to be, 100% of the time. That reply email needs to repeat back verbatim the text that was received. That way the sender can maintain an audit log of the transaction. As it is, you could have received anything or nothing. The user has no informatiuon about what you received. I infer you do not care. That you do not care what citizens send to you. I do care about what I send to you and I care about your website because it is one of the faces our government presents to the world. Set a good example. Herewith once again what I hope but am not sure I sent to you a few minutes ago. Let me repeat once again: I would be pleased to consult with you about your website and give you advice from half a century of working in the computer industry. I would like to help my country. All you need to do is ask me to serve. -------- Please listen to Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs about Ukraine: Then CJCS General Mark Milley urged us to negotiate last December, saying conditions on the battlefield would not likely improve but there would be just more casualties. Please negotiate now. Please listen to Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs abou tUkraine: -------- Did you receive this? I will never know unless you do better than in past. (1,901 kxxx.txt)

+2023.11.09. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION | The White House <> 8:43 AM (19 minutes ago) November 9, 2023"), 01:00:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***WION: New Slovakia government cancelled military aid to Ukraine finalised by previous administration. "The government doesn't approve the proposal for the donation of military equipment to Ukraine." PM Robert Fico criticised Western nations for providing military support to Ukraine and pressing sanctions against Russia. He had also supported peace talks. Today is Thursday, November 09, 2023, day 624 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)

+2023.11.12. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 05:40:

Please Mr. President, stop the war in Gaza! What we read is going on there is horrific: This needs to stop immediately, And you can stop it, Sir. Force both sides to the negotiation table to work out a way to live together in peace even though they do not like each other. The only support we should be supplying is humanitarian aid to innocent persons suffering from the war on both sides. Humanity needs an unconditional, in-place ceasefire immediately, and then negotiations for the Palestineans to have a homeland just like the Israelis. Remember, Mr. President: the Palestineans were there first, long before 1948, so they have good rights to be there. Thank you for ending this tragedy, especially before it escalates into another World War III with the potential for nuclear annihilation of all human and higher animal life on this earth. (977 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.11.14. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also emailed to, with title: "Do you remember Imre Nagy?". 05:45:

Mr. Zelensky, I read that you feel The West has betrayed you by stinting on providing you with more weapons. You are correct. At the end of March 2022, they promised to give you whatever it would take for you to outright defeat Russia, if you would just abandon the compromise you were ready to sign to make Ukraine neutral in exchange for Russia going away. From as soon as I learned about the current war, I wondered if Ukraine would be a repeat of the Hungarian uprising of 1956, where the United States led the Hungarians to believe we would support them with military aid but we didn't. I thought you should think about the fate of Imre Nagy and hang his picture on your office wall to think about each new day. That has more or less come true, hasn't it? The biggest difference may be that Dr. Putin is not bad like Joseph Stalin. (849 kx.txt)

+2023.11.17. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 3:15 AM (6 hours ago) November 17, 2023"), 00:15:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President! Our sanctions against Russia have only made its government stronger and more repressive than it was. Why do we keep trying to strangle governments we don't like, in hopes of immiserating their people so much that they overthrow them, instead of working with their governments to try to make their people's lives better? We can do better than that. Today is Friday, November 17, 2023, day 632 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)

+2023.11.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:00:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***To review: You, Mr. Biden, are Captain Ahab, pursuing Moby Dick Putin, with your Zelensky harpoon. CJCS General Mark milley was your officer Starbuck. The American people are your ship, the Pequod. Captain Ahab was insanely pursuing Moby Dick irregardless of consequences. When he met Moby, Moby sank his ship. Do you understand what you are doing, Sir? Today is Sunday, November 19, 2023, day 634 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,990 kx.txt)

+2023.11.20. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 11:55:

Mr. President, please listen to reason from a person who knows about Palestine/Israel: Press Mr. Netanyahu to stop the war and negotiate a mutually respectful and tolerable settlement to this mess with the Palestineans. You need to do this for the sake of the Israelis, the Palestineans, all the people of the Mideast and all the people of earth. Furthermore, escalation to thermonuclear apocalypse which will end human and higher animal life on this planet will be a realisticc potentiality until this mess is safely brought to a peaceful conqlusion. We all are confident you, in cooperation with other concerned countries, can make peace in the Mideast happen if you will put forth the maturity and courage to do it, Sir! May God bless all persona and may God protect all troops! (841 kx.txt)

+2023.11.22. User Comment I submitted in U.S. Department of State website (Response: "Your message has been received. Please allow 3-5 days to receive a response. Thank you."), with title: "Dear Mr. Blinken", 03:25:

You graduated Harvard magna cum laude. I had two interactions with Harvard, which hopefully were not representative. I attended a less prestigious preparatory school. In my class (1964), 3 of us applied to Harvard: Myself who was academically #1, another young man, academically #2, and a social butterfly who had stellar lacrosse but little interest in learning. Harvard accepted only the lacrosse player: In his junior year he did the almost impossible, beating Princeton for the first time in 43 years. Go team! My other experience was with the Architecture school. Harvard has a summer progarm where you play at being an architcture student to see if you want to become one. I did this in 1982. I was passionately interested in engaging architecture with curtural enlightenment ("Bauen Wohnen Denken", Martin Heidegger), anti Robert Venturi. I asked the person in charge, whom I had shown in one of his assignments he had made a consequential factual error, how an application from me for the MArch program might be received. He told me: "When we admit people like you, they leave after a year without have to be asked to." I went to Yale where I was able to give my father a diploma "summa cum laude", to proudly display in his business office (he had not had the good fortune to be able to attend college himself). I did not attend graduation. I stood in my cap and gown costume outside one of the Old Campus gates, and collected donations for Quaker Vietnam War Reilef ($130 in my little tin can). After you graduated from Dalton School, I did some volunteering with Mr., later Dr. Frank Moretti. The school I had attended was gender apartheid and, while nominally associated with The Episcopal Church, they worhipped graven inages[ Typo! ]: shiny plated varsity team victory cups. I had got involuntary celibacy; I was envious of the boys and girls lounging in the Dalton halls like maybe they enjoyed mutually respectful sex. I am disappointed that you at least present a public "face" of supporting a historically wrong regime in Kiev, and your Commander in Chief's unconscionable war aginst Russia, when we could be friends with that country, working together for the betterment of both our people and all humanity. This is the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 with the roles reversed. Mr. Biden is Captain Ahab pursuing Moby Dick Putin with his Zelensky harpoon. CJCS General Mark Milley was Starbuck. He urged negotiatons last December. The war, the slaughter, could have ended at the end of March 2022 had not Mr. Biden killed the agreement Israel's then PM Naftali Bennett had helped negotiate. Are you really ignorant or cynical, Sir? Your pictures in the news look like you should be in the Sunday New York Times Men's Fashion Section. That is not international diplomacy. I wish you were doing better for our country, Mr. Blinken. Dr., repeat: Dr. Henry Kissinger who got his terminal degree in international relations from Harvard, with honors, has said he thought Ukraine should have been made neutral. There are other educated persons who today are strongly urging that, including Columbia University University Prof. Jeffrey Sachs and University Of Chicago distinguished professor and West Point graduate John Mearsheiner. You could educate yourself with free material in the public domaain on YouTube, at least until military censorship may be imposed. Tolle, lege, Sir! Respectfully and with best wishes for your further cultural self-formation and contributions to humanity (or to its destruction in thermonuclaer war...), as you proceed through your very fortunate still young life. But for accidents of parents who tried their best but were clueless because they "came from nothing", and benighted school teachers (including Mr. William Clinton Burriss Young who later went back to his "alma mater"), I just might have had your job, Sir. Bradford McCormick, Ed.D. (3,912 kx.txt)

+2023.11.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:01:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Wikipedia: During the Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War when Vietcong (VC) forces attacked Bến Tre... 31 January 1968... is best remembered for a quote from an unnamed American Major, reported by journalist Peter Arnett, that "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it." Today, you appear to be destroying Ukraine to save it, Mr. President. Today is Saturday, November 25, 2023, day 640 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,990 kx.txt)

+2023.11.28. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:39 AM (16 minutes ago) November 28, 2023"), 01:30:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, there is much information on the Internet contradicting your war propaganda. Is the reason you have not imposed wartime censorship that the American people have never been encouraged to learn about our foreign policy, and now, in addition, Bidinflation has distracted us by having trouble paying our bills, so you expect sleeping dogs will lie? Today is Tuesday, November 28, 2023, day 643 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,997 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.11.28. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also emailed to, with title: "Save Ukraine!". 04:15:

During the Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War when Vietcong (VC) forces attacked Bến Tre... 31 January 1968... is best remembered for a quote from an unnamed American Major, reported by journalist Peter Arnett, that "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it." Today, Mr. Zelensky, you appear to be destroying Ukraine to save it, Sir. Please support the Ukrainian people by declaring an unconditional in-place ceasefire and negotiating neutrality for what it left of your country with the Russians. They have no desire to hurt the Ukrainian people. They just do not want NATO on their Western border, like The United States did not want Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962. Stop the war! Save Ukraine! Thank you. (731 kx.txt)

+2023.11.01. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:05 AM (2 minutes ago) December 2, 2023"), 00:01:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, staff: Listen to Columbia Univ. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs' presentation to the United Nations security Council, 20 November this year: Once a person is dead, they can have no freedom or human rights. Stop the fighting, then bite the bullet and remedy its causes. Let people, let each person live. Today is Saturday, December 02, 2023, day 647 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,992 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.12.07. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also submitted with minor spelling corrections to, with title:"Plese stop your war, now, Mr. Zelensky!", 14:45:

Mr. Zelensky, you know the war is lost. You know that if you stop figting you can negotiate with Russia for the Ukrainian people to live in peace and prosperity in a neutral Ukraine or maybe no legal fiction called Ukraine any longer, but maybe part of the territory going to Russia and the other part to Poland. The only people who are benefitting from this war are your tv production crew and carpetbaggers. Please, stop causing more brave but either naive or intimidated Ukrainian men to die with no plausible hope of gain: many of those not yet killed are tired and just want to go home (to what of their homes are still left). Remember the Alamo, don't repeat it. Support the Ukrainian people, Mr. Zelensky: Declare an unconditional in-place ceasefire of all the forces under your control, now! Thank you, Sir. (831 kx.txt)

+2023.12.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:00:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, I am just a 77 year old citizen so I do not matter. If you conscript educated young American males to die in Ukraine, you will hear the immortal refrain from when you were young: "Hell, no! We won't go!" Listen, at last, to Columbia University Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. Watch tonite after dinner: Today is Friday, December 08, 2023, day 653 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,994)

+2023.12.10. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:13 AM (2 minutes ago) December 10, 2023"), 01:10:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***"American troops fighting Russian troops"? Mr. President, if you conscript educated young Americans to die in Ukraine, you will hear the immortal refrain from when you were young: "Hell, no! We won't go!" For our country and for all humanity: Listen, at last, to Columbia Univ. Prof. and U.N. advisor Jeffrey Sachs: Today is Sunday, December 10, 2023, day 655 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)

+2023.12.12. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 2:20 AM (43 minutes ago) December 12, 2023"), 02:10:

Statement from former U.S. intelligence officer, reprinted from The New York Times newspaper. Please listen, Mr. President. We need to start talking, even if not yet negotiating, with Russia, about Ukraine and the European security architecture situation, now. David H Northern VA. 4h ago [The New York Times +2022.07.27, User Comment to: "The US and Russia Need to Start Talking Before It's Too Late"] When I was a Soviet analyst for the intel community back in the late 1970s / 80s, US policy toward the USSR was informed by one overarching principle: Soviet perceptions of their own security environment, needs and realities were AS VALID to Kremlin policymakers as American perceptions of OUR own security environment, needs and realities were to policymakers in Washington DC. This was NOT about appeasing or coddling the Soviets. Rather, it was about maintaining consistent and stable relations with a potentially dangerous nuclear power. We were able to compete with the Soviets politically while avoiding direct confrontation. Hence, the name "Cold War." The reason that the US today is locked into a potentially dangerous confrontation with Moscow is that both the intel community and State Department are populated largely by 20- and 30-somethings who were not alive when the Berlin Wall fell. Let's not forget that Antony Blinken, on December 21, said in a State Department interview that "spheres of influence" should be "relegated to the dustbin of history" – an assertion that is contrary to the dynamic inherent in all geopolitics (link to interview below). The Russians pay close attention to statements by high level US officials, and almost certainly interpreted Blinken's ridiculous quip as the slap in the face that it was intended to be. Not too clever for the nation's "top diplomat." ( (1,909 kx.txt)

+2023.12.15. User Comment I submitted in U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer's website, with title: "TV Commando Z" (Response: "Thank You for Your Email Thank you for contacting Senator Schumer."), 00:33:

Respectfully, Senator, please get over that comedian in the green t-shirt costume who has caused more trouble than any other demagogue since V-E Day. You must know that the situtaion in Ukraine is a repeat of The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 just with the roles reversed: Instead of our President Kennedy wanting Soviet missiles out of Cuba, Dr. Putin wants NATO out of Ukraine. And you must also know we promised the Russians back in the early 1990s that we would not push NATO "one inch east of Germany". As the now famous cable from our then ambassador in Moscow in 2008 was titled: "Nyet means nyet": NATO in Ukraine has always been the brightest of red lines for Russia. We need some real diplomats to even just talk with the Russians before we negotiate with them in mutual respect in a multi-polar world. You may also know that it's Dr. Vladimir Putin, PhD in Economics, like here it used to be Dr. Henry Kissinger who received his doctorate from Harvard with honors. Our President, whom I read had to repeat 3rd grade, himself says he has trouble with verbal expression but has always been competent to carry a football. Not even to throw one: a running back not even a quarterback, much less a statesman. Please, Senator, stop supporting Mr. Biden's anti-Russia war in Ukraine which has an admonitory precedent in American literature: Captain Ahab Biden is pursuing Moby Dick Putin with his Zelensky harpoon. The American people are the Pequod. When Ahab finally met Moby, Moby sank his ship. Just change "Pequod" to: Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools, Sebastian Brandt, 1494), and you have the U.S. Congress today, Sir. Thank you.

+2023.12.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:53 AM (2 minutes ago) December 15, 2023"), 00:40:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, we support people's right to self-determination and freedom. We need to help the ethnically Russian Ukrainians in their struggle against ethnic cleansing by the Kiev regime. Listen and learn from a radio broadcast detailing their plight, from an independent Slovakian investigative journalist: Today is Friday, December 15, 2023, day 660 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,990 kx.txt)

+2023.12.18. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:10:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Respectfully, Mr. President, somebody in your administration must know the truth about Ukraine: "Nyet means nyet". "If Putin is not stopped, it will endanger freedom for everyone" is Boy Scout grade propaganda: Falling dominos again. Come clean about this 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse: US cynically shoving NATO down Russia's throat via TV Commando Z! Today is Monday, December 18, 2023, day 663 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)

+2023.12.18. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "[I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) forgot to log the usual here] | The White House <> 11:14 PM (7 minutes ago) December 18, 2023"), 23:10:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. *** "If Putin is not stopped, it will endanger freedom for everyone" is Boy Scout grade propaganda: Falling dominos again. Russia is no more expansionist than us. NATO in Ukraine today is an existential threat to Russia, like Soviet missiles in Cuba were for us in 1962. As our Ambassador in Moscow William Burns said in 2008: "Nyet means nyet" Today is or will shortly become Tuesday, December 19, 2023, day 664 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. ------ Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." ------ May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)

+2023.12.20. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:20 AM (4 hours ago) December 20, 2023"), 00:01:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***United Nations advisor and Columbia University distinguished professor Jeffrey Sachs continues to try to get the message across how to constuctively end this awful mess for the good of ourselves, the Ukrainian people and the whole world. Please, Mr. President, listen, learn, wake up before it's too late: "L'Chaim" Today is Wednesday, December 20, 2023, day 665 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)

+2023.12.22. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 10:39 PM (1 hour ago) December 22, 2023"), 22:25:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***We have been foolish about Ukraine from day 1. We keep harming ourselves more each day, by further pursuing our self-defeating agenda. Listen to Columbia University Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. Get smart for our country and for ALL the Ukrainiian people, including the ethnically Russians in Donbas: Today is or will shortly become Saturday, December 23, 2023, day 668 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.12.23. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also submitted with minor spelling corrections to, with title:"Please....", 09:50:

Respectfully, Mr. Zelensky, How many more Ukrainians are you going to kill and how much more damage are you going to do to the Ukrainian economy, before you acccept the inevitable, which will at last bring light to your sad country: Negotiate with Russia to end the war, and let the Ukrainian people, all of them, including the ethnically Russian ones, live in peace in a neutral land that is friendly to both Russia and The West. As the sometime lawyer for The United States Army, Joseph Welsh, famously said to America's infamous Senator Joseph R. McCarthy back in 1954: "You have done enough, Sir. Have you no sense of decency?" (646 kkx.txt)

+2023.12.23. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 11:19 PM (8 minutes ago) December 23, 2023"), 23:10:

Merry Christmas! The New York Times: "The War in Ukraine May Be Impossible to Stop. And the U.S. Deserves Much of the Blame", Christopher Caldwell, May 31, 2022 In the Paris daily newspaper Le Figaro [May 2022], Henri Guaino.... warned that Europe's countries, under the shortsighted leadership of the United States, were "sleepwalking" into war with Russia.... In 2014 the United States backed an... in its final stages a violent uprising – against the legitimately elected Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych, which was pro-Russian.... Russia, in turn, annexed Crimea, a historically Russian-speaking part of Ukraine that since the 18th century had been home to Russia's Black Sea Fleet.... On Nov. 10, 2021, the United States and Ukraine signed a "charter on strategic partnership" that called for Ukraine to join NATO... affirm[ing] an "unwavering commitment" to the reintegration of Crimea into Ukraine. That charter "convinced Russia that it must attack or be attacked," Mr. Guaino wrote.... The United States started arming and training Ukraine's military... at first under President Barack Obama... and today the country is armed to the teeth... [with] NATO's advanced... weapons.... Russia is not being stymied by a plucky agricultural country a third its size.... The United States is trying to maintain the fiction that arming one's allies is not the same thing as participating in combat.... The United States has shown itself not just liable to escalate but also inclined to. In March, Mr. Biden... insist[ed] that Mr. Putin "cannot remain in power".... Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin explained that the United States seeks to "see Russia weakened." Noam Chomsky warned.... "It... translate[s] into... Destroy Ukraine".... Mr. Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. Guaino.... "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity.".... (1,992 kx.txt)

[<|>]+2023.12.24. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."). Also submitted with minor spelling corrections to, with title:"Give the Ukrainian people a happy New Year!", 00:15:

Dear Mr. Zelensky, There was an article in The New York Times on Saturday: "Ukrainians Urge Cities to Spend More on War, Less on Amenities" showing a group of pathetic looking protestors in front of the Kiev City Councl offices, carrying signs like "I don't want a park". Before I read the article I was afraid these people were demanding that we here in The United States give up our Big Macs and Happy Meals and, instead of feeding ourselves and watching the cable television, send that money to Ukraine to buy more weapons or pay your soldiers. I was much relieved to see that you have not yet so brainwashed them about Russia and impoverished them that they have been reduced to that. They don't seem to understand that living under Russian rule would be pretty much like being part of NATO if there was peace. Your propaganda seems to have them as frightened of the Bogeyman as the people of Okinawa Japan at the end of World War II. They jumped to their deaths off cliffs to save themselves from being captured alive by the American soldiers who would actually have been their liberators, like the Russians today will be in your sad country. I wish life and health and prosperity for the Ukrainian people in 2024, and you, Mr. Zelensky, can make it happen: Declare an immediate unconditional in-place ceasefire of all your increasingly weary and increasingly unwilling soldiers whom you have not yet sent to their graves. Give up the 2019 Arestovich green t-shirt fantasy! Negotiate with Russia now, Sir! Thank you. (1,589 kkx.txt)

+2023.12.24. User Comment I submitted to the U.S. Department of State website (Response: "Your message has been received. Please allow 3-5 days to receive a response. Thank you."), with subject: "Our ill-advised Ukraine policy", 12:25:

Respectfully. I hope you will raise our country up in the new year and adopt a Ukraine policy that supports the Ukrainian people, all of them, including the ethnically Russian ones. The anti-Russian Kiev regime has even changed Christmas from January 7 to December 25, Al Jazeera writes: "in what was viewed as a snub to Russia". They have been engaged in ethnic cleansing including, civil war ("Anti Terrorist Operation, aka: "ATO"), since 2014. I repost below a feature OpEd piece From the New York Times newspsper from May 2022, just before they ceased reporting the situation "without fear or favor". For the sake of our country, the Ukrainian people and all humanity, you need to take advice from United Nations advisor and Columbia University distinguished Professor Jeffrey Sachs: -------- "The War in Ukraine May Be Impossible to Stop. And the U.S. Deserves Much of the Blame" (aka: "U.S. Helps Prolong Ukraine War", +2022.05.04) Christopher Caldwell, May 31, 2022. In the Paris daily newspaper Le Figaro this month, Henri Guaino.... warned that Europe's countries, under the shortsighted leadership of the United States, were "sleepwalking" into war with Russia. Mr. Guaino was borrowing a metaphor that the historian Christopher Clark used to describe the origins of World War I.... In 2014 the United States backed an uprising – in its final stages a violent uprising – against the legitimately elected Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych, which was pro-Russian. (The corruption of Mr. Yanukovych's government has been much adduced by the rebellion's defenders, but corruption is a perennial Ukrainian problem, even today.) Russia, in turn, annexed Crimea, a historically Russian-speaking part of Ukraine that since the 18th century had been home to Russia's Black Sea Fleet.... On Nov. 10, 2021, the United States and Ukraine signed a "charter on strategic partnership" that called for Ukraine to join NATO, condemned "ongoing Russian aggression" and affirmed an "unwavering commitment" to the reintegration of Crimea into Ukraine. That charter "convinced Russia that it must attack or be attacked," Mr. Guaino wrote. "It is the ineluctable process of 1914 in all its terrifying purity.".... The United States started arming and training Ukraine's military, hesitantly at first under President Barack Obama. Modern hardware began flowing during the Trump administration, though, and today the country is armed to the teeth.... Russia is not being stymied by a plucky agricultural country a third its size; it is holding its own, at least for now, against NATO's advanced economic, cyber and battlefield weapons.... The United States is trying to maintain the fiction that arming one's allies is not the same thing as participating in combat.... Even if we don't accept Mr. Putin's claim that America's arming of Ukraine is the reason the war happened in the first place, it is certainly the reason the war has taken the kinetic, explosive, deadly form it has. Our role in this is not passive or incidental. We have given Ukrainians cause to believe they can prevail in a war of escalation. Thousands of Ukrainians have died who likely would not have if the United States had stood aside. That naturally may create among American policymakers a sense of moral and political obligation – to stay the course, to escalate the conflict, to match any excess. The United States has shown itself not just liable to escalate but also inclined to. In March, Mr. Biden invoked God before insisting that Mr. Putin "cannot remain in power." In April, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin explained that the United States seeks to "see Russia weakened." Noam Chomsky warned against the paradoxical incentives of such "heroic pronouncements" in an April interview. "It may feel like Winston Churchill impersonations, very exciting," he said. "But what they translate into is: Destroy Ukraine.".... Mr. Kissinger is on the same page as Mr. Guaino [on a certain point]. "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity.".... President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine warned in an address to students this month that the bloodiest days of the war were coming. -------- May God bless ALL persons and may God protect ALL troops! (4,449 kkx.txt)

+2023.12.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:25:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2024[ Changed year from 2023 to 2024 ], let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***"If Putin takes Ukraine, he won't stop there.... American troops fighting Russian troops" (Dec 6, 12:43ET) Falling dominos again like Vietnam when you were young, Sir, This is nonsense. Putin has never wanted to "take" Ukraine, just security on Russia's Western border: No NATO in Ukraine, like no Soviet missiles in Cuba for us in 1962. Today is or will shortly become Monday, December 25, 2023, day 670 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)

+2023.12.26. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 2:13 AM (57 minutes ago) December 26, 2023"), 02:05:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2024, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. *** "If Putin takes Ukraine, he won't stop there.... American troops fighting Russian troops" (Dec 6, 12:43ET) This is nonsense: Falling dominos again, like Vietnam when you were young, Sir! Dr. Putin has never wanted to "take" Ukraine. He wants security on Russia's Western border: He wants no NATO in Ukraine, like we wanted no Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962. Today is Tuesday, December 26, 2023, day 671 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,997 kx.txt)

+2023.12.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:20:

Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2024, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***I misheard something Colonel Douglas MacGregor recently said. He said: "United we stand, divided we fall." I heard: "DeBIDENed we fall." Your foreign policy, Sir, has been tragically divisive: Neocon adventurist hegemony against peaceful coexistence in a multipolar world. "The U.S. has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests." (Dr. Henry Kissinger) Today is Wednesday, December 27, 2023, day 672 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)

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Alexander Mercouris "Gaza Debacle: Biden Hints Ceasefire, States Sever Relations Israel; Ukr: Zaluzhny Admits Failure" YouTube, +2023.11.02. Alexander Mercouris loves your comment


I'm still focused on Ukraine, in part because I find Mr. Zelensky unstomachable even if he was still just a stnad up comedian, but more importantly because unlike every other bad actor, almost nobody is against him (a lot of people disliked Hitler, Stalin, Trump, but almost everybody loves Mr. Zelenaky).

It seems to me to be The Western Front is World War I, all over again. I would not want to be there, but I may have found a book tha does describe it: Ernst Junger's "Storm of steel". Nobody ever told me about it in school. They pushed The Iliad, as one might expect, since middle aged males like to send young men to their death in their wars, and reading Junger does not likely inspire one to want to enlist. And I don'tlisten to opera, but there is an opear which seems perfect for this war: Alban Berg's "Wozzeck" — I find it almost intolerable to listen to.



EvilVolodymyr  Zelenskyy

Alexander Mercouris "Huge Rus Drone Strike Rocks Ukr; Avdeyevka Perimeter Collapse; NATO Fortifies Border Baltic Blockade" YouTube, +2023.11.27.

@bradfordmccormick8639 10 hours ago

"We're losing! You promised me that is I didn't go thru with the negotiated settlement last March, you would give me everything to win. You promised mee! You promised! Waaaah!"


+2024.02.16 v311
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  1. People don't say it baldly because it is not sentimental and sentimentality (aka: "patriotism") is needed to keep up a war, but mothers crying over the bodies of their dead sons is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for wars. if you want a war, mothers will get to cry over their dead sone. Those who choose to go to war have ipso facto chosen to have mothers cry over their dead sons. The mothers get what the leaders chose to give them; it's that simple.
Unfortunate for themself, the person who lacks one; unfor­tunate for others, the person that is one. Don't be an a**hole!
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[Mr. President: 37, Sir: 38.
Zelensky: 36. Putin: 30]