
The raft of the Medusa


Your Comment on China Sends Spy Balloons Over Military Sites Worldwide, U.S. Officials Say
The New York Times <>!
5:52 AM (6 minutes ago) [+2023.02.09]
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with The New York Times community. Bradford McCormick | New York

The picture of the balloon being recovered [above] recalls the famous painting by Jean-Louis André Théodore Géricault: "The Raft of the Medusa (1818-1819).

How melodramatic!

In his State o the Union address, President Biden boldly exclained that he had protected our country's sovereignty: from a Chinese balloon.

He failed to mention the trial balloon he sent to China: Ms. Pelosi's PR junket to Taiwan to insult the Chinese leader and his country to unnecessarily raise tensions between our two countries.

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+2024.01.15 v040
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