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Brad McCormick's Post-Postmodernist Web Page
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(....Warning: This page under deconstruction!) Es gibt.[fn.4[ Go to footnote! ]]
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[ ] Featuring: Faux Neo-Jenny Holzer artwork!
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[ Aside: Please visit my HOmage to Jenny HOlzer! ]
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Please accept this invitation to prereview my new Warhole Brillo Boxes sculpture: "Non carborundum legitimi (abrasive)". [ ]
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Sorry, but this artwork requires Java 1.1 or maybe even 1.2 (Get with it!).... [ ] [ MTV ]
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Slogan Jenny #3d
Clickable Java applet on HTML page, 450 x 72 pixels.
Copyright © 1998-2001 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
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(This artwork has been viewed times. As web browsers and versions of Java "progress", or at least replace each other, the artwork's functionality degraded, so that, eventually, it would have been completely "broken". I've tried (May 1999) to upgrade it to use the new Java 1.2 interfaces, which causes it no longer to work with some older Java-enabled browsers. And, surely, as time goes on, problems will accrue to this latest version, as happened to the earlier version, only yet again. But perhaps such a Sisyphean "trajectory" is itself appropriate to something "postmodern", as a symbol of postmodernity and for postmodernists?)
Sorry, but this artwork requires Java (Get with it!)....

[ Go to Cliche Finder! ]Need help finding just the right cliché? Try Cliché Finder!

Wow! That was great, wasn't it?

[ This image is not here. But click to see what is! ]I'd sure like to get the kind of funding for my art Jenny Holzer gets for hers. If you can help, please e-mail me [ Email me! ]. (I'll do my best to give you a kick-back, after getting professional advice how to do it legally.... I contrast this with the semiotic kick-in-the-face some postmodern art (see, e.g., Robert Venturi's "Guild House"[fn.3[ Go to footnote! ]]) gives to Everyman, woman and child.)

Thank you.

Comments (13 Oct 97) from a reviewer who wishes to remain anonymous:

No I don't think it should be deleted - but I think it is poor taste (not IN poor taste).... "In modernism Frank Stella said "what you see is what you get..." In Postmodernism, "What you say is what you get..."

Further comments (15 Oct 97) from same anonymous reviewer:

Apparently this is the point about Pomo, that its' entirely poor taste aspect is "in Vogue" particularly where vagary is the object. Absurdity is. And it is this absurdity which creates that odd state of pastiche. We are, apparently powerless to do anything about it but observe, like [a] painting I saw..., of men looking at cows looking at men looking at cows looking at men, etc. I think of it as another kind of surrealism - one that is for the psycho-senses, not just for the eyes.

Postmodernism comes in many forms, in many guises, and is rather, in my opinion a state of mind. Anyone entering into a dialogue about pomo is already a fool, perhaps, and will ultimately, at any rate, be fooled. Humor, be it sardonic or dark, or slightly colored, is also an element of it.

I think you should continue on with it and see where it goes. After all, if you don't like it, eventually you can delete it and put up a sign, that the postmodern experiment is dead - long live whatever... right?

Still further comments (24 Jul 99) from same anonymous reviewer:

Pomo is reductive. Esssentially the lowest common demoninator definition is that POMO is "the enshrinement of doubt". Oddly, in a positive context, certain elements extant in POMO share a dubious distinction with some of the Zen koans. No doubt, Postmodernism has it's own epistemology (theory of knowledge). Any external epistemological approach in dealing with POMO pales (fails) in comparison with it's own inert "values". I prefer to think of POMO as a state of mind, or an odd existential "keyboard" with an "escape" key, lest we, like previous art historical "captives" mutter the words "DA-DA" unceasingly (ad nauseum [soc et tuem]). I'm a POMO purist, I guess, and somewhat view the whole thing as yet another (one other) color on an intellectual pallet of art aphorisms (memorabilia [similar to decalcomania]). Not eschewing the philosophical ramifications and pertinences of POMO-ism, I prefer to delve into the art-significant (ie art historical [hysterical]) asignificant aspects (inclusive of all neologisms). My favorite POMO-ism is the pastiche. Elusive but never petulant, bold and satisfyingly musky, it lingers like a well blown fart...

You can go to a second page of this project by mousing down on the Slogan Jenny, i.e., by clicking the mouse when the message area changes color from yellow to red by the mouse cursor moving over it.... (There's a picture of a Post-modern sculpture there, and some other stuff. If the foregoing instructions don't make sense, or if your web browser doesn't have enough Java to do the job, click here....)

New (24 Oct 99)! Duchamp had his L.H.O.O.Q. Check out my I.U.D.T.C.R., which I stole, this day, from somebody's website!
New (24 May 03)! See not-by-Duchamp: The Bride Stripped Bare by her Mouseketeers, Even.
Q: How/why do I differ from performance artist Laurie Anderson? A: Click here.

[ Email me! ] E-mail me your Post-Postmodern art and/or theory (if feasible, I'll add it to mine, and give you proper credit unless you don't want to be associated with it!).
Go to Conference on After Postmodernism, University of Chicago, 14-16 November 1997.
Please accept this invitation to prereview my new Warhole Brillo Boxes sculpture: "Non carborundum legitimi (abrasive)". [ ]
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Copyright © 1998-2003 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
26 April 2008CE (2008-04-26 ISO 8601)
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