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Seedcorn scattered to the winds
Knowledge for whoever finds
(--Norbert Elias)
Unless otherwise noted, all materials at this site (including without limitation any software, and all text, HTML, XML and SGML markup, and graphics...) are copyright ©1998-2006 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
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"The word by way of preface which seeks to break through the screen stretched between the author and the reader by the book itself does not give itself out as a word of honor. But it belongs to the very essence of language, which consists in continually undoing its phrase by the foreword or the exegesis, in unsaying the said, in attempting to restate without ceremonies what has already been ill understood in the inevitable ceremonial in which the said delights." (Emmanuel Levinas, Totality and Infinity, 1961/1969, p. 30)
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24 April 2006CE (2006-04-24 ISO 8601)
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