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[ Go to Toyota's Corolla website! ]
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[ Side view :: 2003 Toyota Corolla LE ]
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 My car: 2003 Toyota Corolla LE. 5-speed manual transmission. Remote entry system.
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[ Front view :: 2003 Toyota Corolla LE ]
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[ A BRIGHT IDEA! Light in the darkness! ] [ ] I really like it! It makes me try to think of excuses to drive it.... [ Keep reading Find out more! ] Like the Honda TV ad, where a man gets in his Honda and drives off screen-left to work. A half-hour later, he finally arrives screen-right to his workplace -- which we recognize is one door to the right of where he started from!

Copyright © 2002 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
16 March 2006CE (v02.02)
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[ Rear view :: 2003 Toyota Corolla LE ]
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[ Side view :: 2003 Toyota Corolla LE ]
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Lexus | Mercedes-Benz | BMW 180CS ?  
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[ 'Dynamic' side/rear view :: 2003 Toyota Corolla LE ]
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[ Go to Toyota's Corolla website! ]
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[ ] [ Return to my car in early winter late afternoon light! ]Return/Go to my car in
early winter late afternoon light....
24 May 2005, I got a new 2005 Corolla, similar except has 6-disc CD player, different color and no alloy wheels. See it[ See my 2005 new car (very similar to my 2002 one)! ]
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