[ How safe are my civil liberties? ][ How safe are my civil liberties? ] It's : Do you know where your civil liberties are? [ How safe are my civil liberties? ][ How safe are my civil liberties? ]

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[ Hail to the Chief! ] [ ]
Do you agree with how
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George W Bush is fighting
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the new global terrorism
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(AlQaeda, etc.)?
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[ ] [ Hail to the Chief! ]
[ ] [ Do you agree with Bush administration suspending American citizens' civil liberties? ] [ ] [ Do you agree with Bush administration asking for a blank check to do whatever it wants? ] [ ]
(From: Salon.com)   
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"'We are dealing with an unpredictable regime and a regime that seems to be moving along a ladder of escalation in terms of its actions. It is a matter of some concern.' ... Asked how [his country] might respond, [another] official said, 'That's for us to know and them to find out.'" (James Dao, "___ Administration Defends Its Approach on ___", NYT on the Web, 07Feb03)
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Q: Does the above text quote North Korean officials speaking about The United States, or does it quote United States officials speaking about North Korea? Tell me your answer[ ][ Email me! ]....
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Hail to the Chief !!     01May03: Mission accomplished!

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[ Email me your opinion! ]Email me your opinion![ Email me your opinion! ]
[ Return to George W Bush! ]Return  to George W Bush (November 2000 U.S. Presidential election).
[ Return to how to fight the new global terorism! ]Return  to How to fight the new global terrorism?
[ Return Bush administration suspending civil liberties! ]Return /Go to quote about Bush administration suspending American citizen's civil liberties. Do you know how safe your civil liberties are?
Read  story of one German citizen still at Guantanamo (27Mar05) despite a U.S. District Judge concluding he is probably innocent.
[ See the progress the U.S. is making in Iraq! ]See  progress George W Bush says the U.S. is making in Iraq (early August, 2003)....
Know  your enemy! (U.S. DoD Spring 2003 Iraq war "Iraqi most wanted" playing cards).
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[ How can we fight the new Global Terorism? ]
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[ Axis of evil: Saddam Hussein once tried to kill George W Bush's dad! ]

Ask:  is George W Bush a Loose cannon on the deck of The Ship of State?
Read: Bush declares self and USA trifecta winners!
Read  about Bush's fraidy-cat stealthy Thanksgiving 2003 visit to the troops he sent to Iraq!
Beware  rising theocratic fundamentalism in Afghanistan Iraq the United States (Is America creeping toward Christian fascism?).
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Copyright © 2002 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
21 March 2006
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[ Go to The White House! ]
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[ Go to the White House! ]
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[ See people pulling down statues of tyrants, incl. George W Bush! ]
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[ ] "'The world does not have to love us,' [former Speaker of the House of Representatives, R-GA, Newt] Gingrich wrote [in an article in Foreign Policy magazine], "but it must be able to predict us.'... 'I don't actually call for us to be liked," [Gingrich] said. But, he added, 'there has to be an understanding of what we're doing.'" [ ]
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(--Brian Knowlton, "Gingrich Assails State Department and Calls for Overhaul", NYT of the Web, 17Jun03)
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[ George W Bush does not want Congress to tie his hands (01Oct02)! ]
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 GWB: 1 - 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - ? - 0 [ Return to George W Bush! ]
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