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[Brad McCormick's home page; image of knotted letter]
"Home is where we start from" (D.W. Winnicott)
"...the root of history is the working, creating human being who reshapes and overhauls the given facts. Once he has grasped himself and established what is his, without expropriation and alienation, in real democracy, there arises in the world something which shines into the childhood of all and in which no one has yet been: homeland." (Ernst Bloch)


[A chair to rest in] [Go to site map] Not yet and yet already1.... Sit down. Rest. Tarry here a while. I hope what you find will repay time spent perusing it in depth. Use the site map to help find your way around. See tech notes for miscellaneous meta-physical (i.e., banausic) information.

[Go to Change Log] Please check back occasionally to see how the substantive content of this site, and my expertise in WEB site construction progress. You can check the Change Log to find out what's new since your last visit.

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An "essay" is an attempt... A venturing forth to explore and/or test ("assay")... An interpretive or analytical report of what has thereby been encountered.... While I am not sanguine about reasoning from etymology (à la Heidegger...), and even leerier of reasoning from homonymy and other irrationalities (à la Lacan...), I am impressed that all discourse is rhetorical (arises from persons' aspirations...). Therefore no symbolic form is to be dismissed out of hand, but rather interpreted and situated, and, where appropriate, creatively and nurturingly (re-)appropriated by responsibly generative individuals in community -- in what Hans-Georg Gadamer called: "the conversation that we are" (Reason in the Age of Science, p. xxiii).

[Mouse hole] This WEB site aims to be an example of the self-thematizing application of this approach. Here is a mouse hole which you are invited to enter.

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thes. v.21)

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Want your own free WEB site? They're giving 'em away at: http://www.geocities.com/ (I got mine...).
Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
10 Jul 1997

"Eppur si move" --Galileo  [Moving earth]

Historic web page (July 1997)     [ HTML 3.2 Checked! Test me! ]
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Reconstructed: 08 Jan 2003 (18Apr06), v01.14. Go[ Go to historic web page reconstruction info! ]
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