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The Messenger
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In London, during World War II, when Germany was launching V-1 rockets, if you heard one coming and then it went silent, then you knew you were in danger. When Germany was launching V-2 rockets, if you heard one coming, then you knew you were safe from it.
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Winnicott wrote that the catastrophe we fear shall befall us now as adults in fact already happened to us when we were infants, but we have forgotten.[fn.35[ Go to footnote! ]] Our fear is partly a stand-in for not remembering.
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"Be a witness to your life."
(--Irene Katcher)
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[ Return to French Canada! ] [ ] Je me souviens
[ Return to Computer Aphorisms! ] Computer aphorisms
[ Return to 'In hoc signo vinces'! ] In hoc signo vinces
[ Es gibt. There is. Go! ] Es gibt (explained)
[ Return to Space War drawing! ] Space war drawing
[ Return to 2001! ] 2001
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[ Return to website Table of Contents! ] Table of Contents
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[ Go to Holocaust remembrance website! ]
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[ Go to: The duty of communicators! ]
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[ ] v02.00 
[ 'The waves in the steel' :: The Arrival ] [ ]
[ Just So Stories: The Slabs come to earth.... ]
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